Love Crows ❤️ (Valentine's Day Special)

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Six crows woke up to gifts on Valentine's Day. Three pairs of lovely couples, each in their respective areas of Ketterdam.

Wylan, Jesper, Matthias, and Nina woke up at the Van Eck Mansion.

While Kaz and Inej woke up at the Slat.

Here are the stories of how each went.


Nina woke up to blood red roses littered every where. It was around nine bells. Can you blame a girl for sleeping in?

Matthias was no where to be found but she soon had her druskelle gently open the door. He had a teacup balanced in his one hand with a steaming plate of strawberry covered waffles in the other.

Last year she had introduced the common holiday of "Valentine's Day". Apparently the Fjerdans had no holiday really even close, but Matthias gladly embraced this holiday as another day to spoil his grisha witch.

She just laughed at him, accepting the tea graciously.

"Thank you you giant Oaf."

Matthias chuckled and set down the waffles on the small dresser near their bed.

"Anything for you little red bird."

With a kiss on the forehead he slipped on the bed next to her, rattling off a list of her favorite things they could do for the day.


Wylan and Jesper caught each other trying to sneak gifts on to their bed side dressers.

Jesper had a box of new beakers and flasks for Wylan's laboratory. He was planning to let the young genius wake up to them. He also had a hand made antique flute, but that would come later.

Wylan had a small block of wood and steel that he'd bought a few weeks before, they'd called it a "fidget toy" and it could be taken apart and put back together seamlessly for the enjoyment of whoever picked it up. And there may or may not be a custom set of revolver holsters, it had been hard to find a moment Jesper hadn't had a hand on his revolvers, but Wylan had gotten the measurements.

"Well this is awkward," Wylan muttered, lighting a lamp and putting the fidget toy on the small desk awkwardly.

"Just a bit. Do you just want to open our presents now at," Jesper cupped a hand around his ear dramatically as the bell chimed. "Four bells in the morning?"

That devilish grin stared at Wylan happily. Seeing the odd configuration of steel and wood probably had Jesper's mind whirring.

"Fine fine fine here." Jesper slid the rattling case across the bed. Wylan caught it, tossing the small toy to Jesper simultaneously.

The merchant opened the case, gasping and lifting a glass to the faint lamp light.

"Jesper," he said breathlessly "are these new flasks? With measurements??"

Jesper laughed.

"Of course merchling!! Only the best for you" the sharpshooter winked with a grin.

"Wait a minute," Wylan began, giving Jesper a side eye. "How'd you get these? Is this where you were three nights ago?"

Jesper waved off the questions. "That's not important-"

"You said you were on a heist!"

Jesper stared at the bed, half refusing to meet Wylan's eyes. "I was."

Wylan nearly laughed out loud.

"Are these stolen?"

"You can't prove any thing."

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