Rietveld's Return

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After their little horse ride, Colm took them inside and served the crows a homegrown meal.

It brought Kaz back home. It was simple, but it was delicious.

After dinner, they migrated to the living room. Kaz could melt into a puddle, he was warm, comfortable, and saints he'd say it: happy.

Inej was happily sitting next to him, and in a rare display of affection Kaz was sprawled on the couch beside her. His head in her lap, of course he had asked before laying down and she had nodded with an excitement he hadn't expected.

Jesper was relaying the last few months to Colm. Inej's hands hovered over Kaz's unruly and wind whipped hair.

He simply nodded, letting her know he was okay with it. He was still in the farm clothes, oddly comfortable and somewhat at ease.

Inej's fingers slowly sank into his hair, gently carding through it and absentmindedly rubbing soothing circles into his scalp.

If he could bottle this moment he'd set it right on the shelf next to Inej's laugh.

Inej's POV
If you told the Wraith she would watch Kaz Brekker ride a horse like second nature, she would scoff and keep walking.

If you told the Wraith she'd see Kaz Brekker in a farm boy's clothes, she would grab her brass knuckles at such slander.

If you told the Wraith she's see the tension and stress melt off of Kaz Brekker like a candle under flame, she'd tell you to go find a grisha and fix your mind.

If you told the Wraith Kaz Brekker would practically be purring like a kitten while she ran her hands through his hair, that he would be doing it in front of their friends and family, she'd get out Sankt Vladimir and hold it to your throat.

Yet, the Wraith must be delusional, because she'd seen all of the above happen.

Kaz might've been purring, his eyes were closed in a relaxed daze. His leg was propped up on the arm of the couch and he lazily laid on her lap calmly.

Jesper stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Kaz half asleep.

Nobody had ever seen Kaz asleep. He only slept when he had no work to get done, or when his body just shut down on him. And he was choosing to sleep, right now, in front of them all.

Jesper pointed at Kaz and Inej stifled a laugh. Matthias's mouth hung open like a gaping fish, Nina had a hand to her mouth as she muffled her own giggles. Wylan just shook his head with a smile.

Colm stared at Kaz oddly, a mock scheming face taking over his features.

Kaz sighed under Inej's touch and his now accented rasp rang out in the silence.

"It's rude to point Jes."

"I wasn't pointing!" Jesper protested in fake offense.

Kaz snapped back without missing a beat. "An' I've got a sparklin' personality." His voice still accented, but there was not bite or insult to his voice, only a humorous note Inej had maybe heard once.

Everyone laughed at the two jabbing at each other. They fell into a slightly comfortable silence, until Colm's voice broke it like a scythe to wheat.

Kaz's POV

"Johannus Rietveld wasn't a coincidence, was it Kaz?" Jesper's father's voice was level. He was stating a fact and wanted validation.

Panic shot through his mind like lightning. He fought to keep his breathing steady, slow down the bile threatening his throat. He had made so much progress just being here, just being back in the countryside. He didn't want to lose all of it just by a few flimsy words.

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