Chapter 34

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My hand tingles.

It’s the first thing I feel as I slowly wake.

It takes me a moment, looking up at the pale green ceiling, fluro tube lighting, then turning to see the quietly beeping machines that tell me I’m in a hospital.

Looking down I see the most beautiful female in the world clutching my hand tightly, head on my lap, thick chocolate hair spilling over, long lashes resting as her slightly parted pink lips huff gentle breaths into the air.

The beeping on the machine picks up as the sight of my mate gets my heart pumping blood into all the right places.

Glad to know everything is still working.

“Genesis.” I try to speak but it comes out as a dry choke.

I check the mind link - it’s open.

Genesis. Love. Wake up.

She jolts awake her blue eyes looking like a deer in headlights. Seeing me awake she gasps and leaps onto my chest hugging me.

I stifle the groan of pain. It’s not that bad anymore and I don’t need to give her any excuse to remove herself from this embrace, loving the feel of her small soft body in my arms.

“Sebastian!” she whispers then rains kisses all over my face. Damn, I could get used to this side of Genesis. I chuckle.

“Love, I’m fine, but I kind of need to breathe, my chest,”

“Oh, sorry!” she gasps and pulls herself off me.

The beeping of the machine has nurses in the room in seconds, followed by Dr. Santos and Imelda and an older wolf I don’t recognize.

“Imelda, what are you doing here? And who are you?” I ask taking a sip of the water Genesis passes to me.

“Alpha Neo’s doing. She almost brought the whole hospital for you, would have if she could have fit it all in the plane. And this is Healer Santos one of our best healer surgeons who lives at Dark Valley.” Imelda explains mentioning a minor pack not far from here.

I look at Genesis squeezing her hand.

“Thank you love.”

“I wouldn’t have had to if I had known what was going on.” she scolds. Oh shit. I’m in trouble. Maybe I can play on being sick for a bit longer.

“Well, you both can have that discussion later, for now, no arguing, no fighting, Alpha Sebastian, how do you feel? You’ve been out of surgery for about six hours, your healing should be well on its way, we expect full healing over the next couple of days.” Santos says all while flashing lights in my eyes, listening to my chest, and taking my pulse.

“I actually feel OK. Bit of pain in my chest and my cheek stings like a…um…yeah it hurts. But otherwise, I think I feel like I could get up.” I suggest.

Yeah, I want out. I want out and I want to take Genesis home. As beautiful as she looks, I can see bags under her eyes, the exhaustion in her shoulders.

She needs to rest and all my instincts kick in strong. My mate is finally here in my homeland and I’m in a hospital bed.

This is not happening.

“Well, Alpha, I’d say you can leave after a few hours of observation if Imelda agrees.”

Imelda nods.

“Should be OK, all your vitals are good, you are not in any serious pain anymore. Provided you come in tomorrow for us to check the dressings should be okay. And…”

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