Chapter 4

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Zeke is in heaven.

Lyka is gorgeous. A Hershey bar of a wolf, all chocolate and sweet and needing to be devoured. And she really likes Zeke.

She's rubbing her scent into me, staking her claim, and I lap it up proudly loving her attention.

Oh, she is so mine.

I almost lose it completely catching her untouched fragrance. Knowing I'll be the first between her legs gets my head spinning. She fucking waited.

I'm so zoned out by the potent scent of her arousal anticipation I completely miss her swift dash for the woods.

What. The. Actual. Fuck?

She's running?

Oh hell no! Zeke growls. I let him loose. We are not losing her now.

In full control, Zeke is after her, growling angrily, chasing our mate through the pines. She's fast, really fast. Small and nimble she weaves a complex path through the woods. Her small frame passes easily between tight spaces and undergrowth and effectively slows Zeke's larger form down.

Why the fuck is she running? I pick up her scent on a tree, and then another. She's running but carelessly, leaving an easy trail for us to track. I stop with a happy huff. It's no accident, her wolf is deliberately marking her trail.

It was impossible to not see the conflict Genesis has with her wolf and I finally understand what is happening. Genesis wants to run. Lyka wants to be caught.

OK, Lyka baby. I'm coming.

The game is on. I know these grounds well. I have been running them for seven years since I turned eighteen, and I know exactly where I want her to go.

Racing through the woods, marking trees heavily with my scent, I pass the odd unlucky wolf heading back without a mate, and occasionally there's a rustle and low growls from behind a bush where wolves going hard at claiming each other.

I'm almost salivating with anticipation. The forest night is thick with the scent of mating.

Whatever happens, I am not leaving these woods without claiming Genesis.



Lyka turns away from where she picks up Zeke's scent again. Whatever direction we turn he has beat us to it, his scent strong and overwhelming, pushing us further and further into the woods. I feel panic rising in me. Something is not right.

Suddenly we break through shrubs and meet a high, moss-covered wall. There's an overhanging of rock and soft untouched grass beneath, and no way out.

Lyka, it's a trap! Turn around and get out!

She snickers at me.

What the fuck Lyka!

Oh, she bloody well knew he was herding us into this perfect little love nest, she's been playing me for hours the bitch!

Her ears twitch as Zeke's heavy paws rustle the leaves on the ground as he emerges through the brush.

Big, black, and tired of the chase Zeke growls at me as he stalks forward, daring me to run again.

Lyka has no intention of running. She wants her mate.

She slumps to the ground and rolls onto her back, in a show of complete, utter submission.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 1: CLAIMEDWhere stories live. Discover now