Chapter 25

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I stare at Sebastian, snoring softly, holding the pillow I placed into his arms as I get up.

There is no way I'm sleeping tonight.

I walk out and go to my room. I've hardly been here apart from grabbing clothes. Since Sebastian came I've slept in his room, washed in his room, and done everything in his room - well except fuck. I sigh. We never seem to make it there. My house would probably glow like a damn neon party if a black light was waved through it. I'm embarrassed to think of the messes my omegas have had to clean up. I have no doubt they've scented the fucking we've done throughout my house, no table or chair has been left undisturbed.

I look around my bedroom as I walk in, clothes scattered on the floor, the bed unmade, piles of books in every corner, and layers of my life on every surface.

Crawling over my bed I sit leaning against the headboard and wait for the familiar peace my space usually brings me.

I wait.

And wait.

"Fuck!" I shout throwing a pillow across the room as tears run down my face.

I don't know what to do.

I'm head over heels in love with Sebastian Kane, and he loves me.

I want to be with him more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. He has wormed his way into my home, my body, my heart, and now all I want to do is wake up every morning looking at his face. I want to fuck him every single day, I want him to mark me and not chose some other female as his Luna, and fuck yes I want to have his pups. I have no idea who I am anymore.

Tears of frustration roll down my face.

Everything I've ever trained for, planned, and lived for, has been for me to be Alpha of Crystal Moon. Everything he has ever trained for, planned, and lived for, has been for him to be Alpha of Blood Stone. I have no idea how to make this work. I'm terrified I'm going to lose him. I've never failed at anything I've put my mind to, but this, I already feel myself failing at. I can see no solutions, only the worst outcome. I'll lose him.

Lose him to some cute as fuck she-wolf.

Yeah, I looked her up while he was sleeping. Hunted down her profile on Howler. I had to use my back door access to view her private profile, something I had never done before. Freya would be furious if she knew what I had done.

Mikoto fucking Getsumi, the eighteen-year-old Alpha daughter of the Getsumei Clan. She's everything I'm not; petite and graceful, with porcelain skin, silky black hair, and innate grace you can see in every photograph on her profile. She would be the perfect Luna for Sebastian. She would listen, she wouldn't fight him, run away, or hurt him. She probably doesn't even know how to swear. She would let him mark her without hesitation and bear his pups with her fucking perfect legs wide open.

I want to disembowel her.

Feathers from my shredded pillow cover me and my bed and I slap at them angrily.

I sigh dropping my head into my hands, sobs racking my body.

What the fuck and I going to do?

Suddenly a loud alarm blares through my house jolting me up.

I jump out of my bed and run into the hallway crashing into a startled Sebastian looking ravishing in low-hung sweatpants, his bare chest a distraction I don't need right now.

"Genesis what's going on?" he asks following me as I rush down the stairs.

"It's our border alarm, it's set to go off if there are multiple crossings across the pack line," I explain rushing out the door.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 1: CLAIMEDWhere stories live. Discover now