Chapter 14

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About half an hour later Kiara pops by the office and by the expression on her face, something's up.

"Alpha Neo, we have a group of wolves at the South border requesting permission to speak to you."

"A group? How many? Pack wolves or rogues?" I ask leaning back in my seat.

"Eight pack wolves, but not all from the same pack."

Sebastian leans forward and I can see the concern on his face, mirroring mine. This is unusual.

Wolves from different packs don't travel together in this manner unless they are rogue or recently banished. A group of eight is big enough to cause trouble if they have ill intent.

"Whose with them now?"

"Epsilons Hanna and Jodie, they were on patrol duty when they found the group waiting on the border."

"Just waiting? Did they attempt to cross? Have they said anything else about what they want?"

"They were just waiting on the edge of the border. They have said nothing except that they wanted to speak with you, Alpha Neo."

Sebastian stiffens as he stands beside me. He does not like this. Neither do I.

"Okay, Gamma Vera is at training, link her to head over with ten Epsilons, I don't want anyone from that group crossing in or leaving until I've spoken to them. Take a truck, I'll come by wolf soon."

"Yes, Alpha." She nods and leaves.

"I want to go with you," Sebastian says before I can speak. I knew he would.

"I can handle this, Sebastian," I reply crossing my arms over my chest.

"I know you can. But I still want to go with you. I want to learn about how your pack operates, and I want to help if I can. It's my job as your mate. It's why I'm here."

I chew my lip thoughtfully.

"Let me ask you something. If we were in your pack and this situation arose, would you let me come with you?"

"Probably not. At Blood Stone you would be Luna, dealing with border issues is my job, as is keeping you safe. But we are not at Blood Stone, this is your pack, you're the Alpha here but I'm no Luna. You can say no if you want but I'll probably follow you anyway."

His smile is disarming. I think he's worked out that honesty is the best policy with me.

"Okay then let's go. We'll go by wolf,"

He nods and follows me out the packhouse heading to the south side of the building and the tree line.

We get behind two trees and begin to strip, I ignore his unashamed ogling as I step out naked, my clothes dumped on the grass.

"Take a picture it will last longer." I snap and he smiles.

"Wonderful, so glad I brought my camera." He chuckles and I hear his phone click before it disappears into his own pile of clothes. He shifts fast pulling Zeke forward.

My jaw drops. The ass!

"Sebastian Zane you will delete that photo when we get back." He yips at me and wags his tail, his large black wolf walking over and rubbing his snout on my neck. Damn those tingles. I reach up and rub behind his ears earning me a soft whine.

"Hi Zeke," I say with a soft smile.

"Sebastian has been a very bad boy," I tell him and hear a satisfying growl. I'll let Zeke deal with Sebastian.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 1: CLAIMEDWhere stories live. Discover now