Spring 13th - Year 1

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You head out of bed and start planting the crops you bought the previous day. It made you happy that you were able to buy these and turn a profit but it was getting to you just how expensive they were piled up, "Am I going to be poor forever?" You wondered to yourself watering the plants. It took you a bit to realize that your mailbox was full opening it up you found a mysterious purple letter from a M. Rasmodius bringing up the 'rat problem' you had earlier.

It claimed his tower was left of Gingersnap forest but you couldn't get to it now as the bottom trail of your farm was blocked off by a huge boulder, too big for your pickaxe to break. This required you going through town and around to get there.

It came to you as a shock when you walked into town and there was a festival happening. Around were all of the villagers in their own friend groups. You walked around and met Lewis, "What is this?" You asked, rattling your hands with palms up before pointing down as you signed simultaneously.

"Oh? Well it's the egg festival? I sent you a letter a few days ago that we will be celebrating. Didn't you read it?" Mayor Lewis said to you.

"No, I must've missed it." You responded. "Thank you." You thanked him.

"Just come to me to confirm if you're going to participate in the egg hunt," He said to you.

"Thank you," you signed, your dominant palm going from your chin outwards. Soon enough you went to Pierre and you see he's selling strawberries. You have pretty much nothing but you still ask. "How much is that?" you asked, singing going from an upturned fist to an open spread out palm facing the sky.

"Hello Farmer! Yes, I got these strawberries and for 100g they are yours!" He said to you.

You put up a finger and look into your wallet, you only have 56g. Damn, if you had known that he would be selling these then you would've at least placed a few 100g aside in order to buy it. You waved away and left the stand.

Around you, you watched people running around and talking. The parents speaking to each other and the children rebelling in youth. You see Elliot and walk to him. "Hi." You waved. He was in a deep conversation with Leah. You decided not to intrude and just went to start the egg hunt.

After racing you grabbed 8 eggs. You proudly stood as you waited to see who won. Looking around it seemed close. Abigail won though with eight eggs and half of one she spit with the little boy Vincent, to give him a better chance to compete. It was fun though, even if you didn't win. You only wondered what the prize could've been as you fell asleep.

Building a life (Male!Farmer) - Stardew Valley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now