Spring 11th & 12th - Year 1

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Spring 11th - Year 1

You slash at the slime hoard as they jump around you. Though thankful the sword Marlon handed you wasn't dealing enough damage and they just continuously regenerated and moved forward for the attack. Soon enough you take a hit to your head by a slime and you go out cold.

Spring 12th - Year 1

You wake up and jump, seeing Emily in the corner of your tiny cabin, hand sewing one of your skirts. She looked up to you and stood up, "Oh you're alright!" She said to you walking over. "I came to your place yesterday and I saw you being dragged back to your house. I decided to stay to make sure you were alright." She said to you, you looked at her for a bit and took a second to get yourself together.

"Thank you, leave." You said, simultaneously signing.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She said as she placed your skirt on the small table of your cabin. "I actually came by yesterday because I wanted to know if you could help me learn to find more wands."

You got up and opened the door a bit confused if you saw it right. "Do what?" You asked, signing.

"I was going to ask if you could help me learn more sign?" She repeated facing you.

You hold out a "Y" hand with your hand tilted backward just a bit so that the palm is pointing forward. You move your hand downward then back up and down again; "Oh, I see." You stretched before wincing, your side pained you.

Emily walked up to you, "I can get some ice from Gus's for you. Or Pierres since he opens earlier." She said to you.

You shook your head, "Go home." You said bringing your fingers and thumb together and touching your cheek near the side of your mouth. Then you moved your hand an inch or two toward your ear; "home".

"But you're-" Emily spoke as you turned your back to her.

It must've hurt her to watch you turn your back to avoid what she was saying, maybe you even came off as rude. But you weren't comfortable with her being around right now, even if she was trying to be nice.

You felt the floors creak as she made her way to the door. After a bit you turned around and she was out. You were now alone and you could now deal with yourself and relax a bit. You looked around and realized you were missing your sword. Darn slimes, must've taken it while you were knocked out.

Going over to the table in your cabin you find the skirt Emily was working on. It was clear that it was stitched up but it wasn't bad craftsmanship. Continuing to look around you found a few letters from the mail that Emily must've brought in to help out.

One was from Marlon, explaining how he found you unconscious with slimes around you.

The other was from Elliot it read out:
"Dear Farmer,
I must once again send my apologies for the inappropriate behavior I exhibited the day we met at the local Saloon. May those interactions not taint the way you see me as a person. And May we make the best of any future interactions we may have.

'How sweet' You thought as you folded it up and placed it away with the other letters you previously received and laid down. This quickly turned into you falling back to bed taking a nap for about an hour.

Waking up, now 9AM you decided to start your day. You placed on your boots and brushed your hair before leaving the cabin for the first time that day. With a deep breath, you took in the fresh air and went to town to buy whatever crops you needed.

While in town you ran into Mayor Lewis pondering on the run down community center. "Oh, hi there." He says as you move next to him out of curiosity. He mumbles to himself before turning to you. "This is the Pelican Town Community Center... or what's left of it, anyway. Used to be the pride and joy of the town... always bustling with activity. Now... just look at it. It's shameful."

"What happened?" You signed.

"These days, the young folk would rather sit in front of the TV than engage with the community." He rambled.

A small portion of that statement offended you slightly. You had just passed out in the mines and spent the whole week fixing the farm that was in ruins, Emily sat on the floor of your cabin and hand sewed one of your skirts, and Elliot spoke in such a way that you even doubt he believed in modern technology. But you stayed quiet.

"But listen to me, I sound like an old fool." He said. You nodded in agreement, breaking eye contact and placing your attention elsewhere just for a second. You see a blonde girl walking to the fountain. 'Isn't she pretty." You think before placing your attention back on Mayor Lewis as she catches you looking.

"I guess old timers like me get attached to relics of the past... Ah well." He said. He felt pretty sympathetic but his comment still rubbed you a bit in the wrong way still. "If anyone else buys a Joja Co. Membership I'm just gonna go ahead and sell it." He sighed and looked to you, you leaned back since it was now easier to read his lips accurately. "Here, let's go inside..."

You both make your ways inside and he quickly notices a little hut inside of it. His first guess was that Vincent and Jazz made their way inside and started playing. You look around as he spoke taking in the scenery when a tiny apple-shaped creature appeared out of thin air in a puff of smoke. You jumped and pointed over at it. "What?" He asked before turning to look behind him, just barely missing it. "What's the matter? Are you ill? I've heard you went to visit Harvey's earlier that week and if you're having problems we may need to check you in for a follow-up visit."

You shook your head before traveling to where you saw the creature, gesturing to the location.

"You saw something? Hm... I wouldn't be surprised if this place was full of rats." He said and like that it reappeared behind him. Now shaking you watched it and once again disappear as Mayor Lewis just barely missed it.

He walked in front of you to ensure he had your full attention, "You're worrying me. Just if you need, say so and I'll take you to see Dr. Harvey." You composed yourself and shook your head. You straightened out your palm and tapped your thumb onto your chest: "I'm fine." You replied.

Mayor Lewis watched you before nodding, "Look, I think I'm going to head home. I need some lunch." You nodded and looked down as he walked away.

He stopped after a bit though and turned around tapping his foot to get your attention back onto him, "Hey, I'll keep this place unlocked from now on... maybe you can catch that rat if you have some extra time." He said with a small smile growing on his face, thankful someone at least might take as much of an interest in this place as he had when he was younger.

You smiled and nodded, signing a thank you. Once he left, you decided to explore. After a bit of considering you decided to go from right to left. So you started in the boiler room and found mushrooms growing on the floor, from there you traveled left past the baking room, the bulletin board, fishtank, then you came across the crafts room and found a lonely book on the floor. As if calling your name it lored you closer, though once seeing the pages you were left dumbfounded, the language being like nothing you ever read before. You wanted to take the book but it was impossible to lift up so you instead got up and left it. Deciding to go back out and buy your crops.

Building a life (Male!Farmer) - Stardew Valley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now