Spring 9th - Year 1

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You walk into the museum with books and artifacts in hand. Penny, the town's preschool teacher, took notice of you. News must spread around quickly. Just a week ago the only people who knew about your deafness were Robin and Piere. You guessed that logistically it would make sense now that it was more common around than just the mountains and mayor. Who else knew? That guy Elliot from the bar who you heard lived on the cabin on the beach, the other guy who visited your farm and asked if you were gay, he lived in the town, the mayor, and Robin who lives in the mountains. The more you thought about it, the more it made sense how so many people knew now. Either way, you tried to just mind your own business but she walked your way.

She waited until you finished turning in the artifacts you found before speaking, "Hello, Farmer, I heard a lot about you. Everyone in town is excited at the thought of a new face in town and it's a change in pace we all needed. I was actually really excited to meet you."

You nodded and signed "Nice to meet you" by first sliding your palms together, tapping your three middle phalanges together with your pointer fingers sticking out, then pointing to Penny. You did it with a more considerate speed, which dulled in comparison to the more swift and fast motion you often preferred to sign in.

She smiled, "I hate to ask someone for favors, but I think it'll be a cool idea if you dropped in while I'm tutoring Vincent and Jaz, that way they could learn a bit of sign from you? I would teach them but I've only ever learned the basics." Penny explained.

It made you smile seeing that she knew the basics. "Good idea." You sped up this time, your fingers going from your lips, to your palm, then into a fist with your pinky extended going from connected to your forehead outwards.

You reached into your bag and took out Nautilus Fossil, a duplicate you were planning to just sell. "You can have this, use it for the kids over there." You signed before handing it to her. "A gift."

"Thank you! This looks special," Penny replied with a smile growing on her face as she analyzed every crack and ridge. She placed her fingers to her mouth and signed, "Thank you"

"I need to go, I have a lot of work to do at the beginning of the week." You signed before picking up your pickaxe. Your hand splintered a bit due to the hard work.

After getting home you climbed into bed, your trusty tools right beside you on the floor with your boots. You looked down at your hands, split, and rashed, and rough, and cut. It was painful to ball them into fists anymore so you washed them though an old spout and wrapped them in some medical leaf so then in the morning you could go to the clinic and get them properly wrapped before getting back to work.

Building a life (Male!Farmer) - Stardew Valley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now