Spring 10th - Year 1

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Once morning came you made your way to the clinic. You went to open the door but it didn't budge. "Open between 9am and 3pm." The sign read. You looked at your watch, 6:30. You were going to tend to your crops but your hands were still killing you. That mixed with the rest of your body you only thought of how much you've been overworking yourself.

You decided to just wait there. Sitting next to the door you closed your eyes and just decided to take a breath, think, daydream. The time passed by and a woman came to open the door to the clinic.

"Come in, I'm only dropping by but I'll check you in pronto." Maru said to you.

You got up and followed her inside.

She said something you couldn't make out. Facing away from you while she got you into the main patient room. " -take vitals and Doctor Harvey will see you in a bit." She faced you speaking. "Sit."

You sat on the bed as she did the normal vitals before getting a concerned look on her face. She snapped in your ears and you moved your head away, the vibrations from the snapping pounding in your ears. You rubbed it so it would stop feeling so sensitive.

"Can you hear me?" She asked, meeting your eyes.

You gesture to yourself before touching your finger on your cheek near your ear, then move your finger in a small arch and touch it near the mouth, "I'm deaf."

Maru nodded before looking at her clipboard anxiously, "Alright, Dr. Harvey will be in here any moment." She walked out.

You sat alone for a few moments rubbing your hands together before Harvey came inside. "Hello Mr..." Harvey looked for your papers that you didn't fill out. "Hello Farmer, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Dr. Harvey, I'll be your doctor today. Tell me when was the last time you've been to a doctor?"

You thought of it, it hasn't been for years. You either never had the time or the need for one so you would pass upon your yearly check-ups. Thinking of it, the last time you went to a doctor was when you still lived with your parents.

"Well it's no problem how long, let me get a quick feel of your pulse then we can discuss why you came here today." He placed his stethoscope on your arm as he listened to your pulse. "Hmm... Your pulse is a bit high. Maru checked you in, correct? It seems she forgot to place any of your information in a file. Did she give you anything to fill out?"

You shook your head.

"Seems she was really in a rush then. She did leave a note with a bit of information. I'm sorry, are you nervous? It must've been a long morning waiting around while having trouble communicating. We aren't exactly well equipped in this town." Harvey admitted.

You just nodded. "I've noticed." You signed.

"Maybe that's why your pulse is high." He looked away and took a deep breath thinking about how he could help you without making it too awkward or nerve racking for you. "How about you fill out this form of anything we didn't cover this time, and I'll meet back with you in a few minutes?"

You looked over the papers you were given and filled it out placing the reason you were there which went slightly over your head for a second.

Harvey came back. "Any progress? I forgot it was the 10th, one of my clients usually come around this week." He got the clipboard from you and checked. "Oh- You haven't been to a doctor in 6 years? No wonder your nervous. This is a no judgment zone. You are healthy as it seems so you must've been taking good care of yourself." He looked at your reason for coming. "Right. Let me see your hands." He said to you.

You placed them out and he washed and wrapped them up.

"There we go. Well, then! Seems you're very healthy. Just make sure not to overwork yourself on that farm!" Harvey said to you.

"I know you're shouting." You signed to him. "I still can't hear you when you shout."

Harvey hesitated for a second, "I'll see you around town as well. We are all happy to have a new face around town."

You placed your finger up a bit before just brushing it off. You smiled and waved as you left and went back home.

Building a life (Male!Farmer) - Stardew Valley FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora