Chapter 116 - Founding Ball Pt. 8

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Eon glared at him but stayed rooted on his ground, not budging. That made Luther snickered even more. Conrad, on the other hand, was staring at Eon with an unreadable expression.

Ah, this guy. I have some undisclosed problem with him. Why is he not fixing his relationship with Gwen? She's ignoring you, you dense man!

Tch. I've reached the point where I worry over my friends' personal lives.

I looked at Janus's direction and saw an incredible view.


"Wow, that area is so bright," Gwen whispered.


She must have been looking at the same view because what she said is the truth. They looked so bright standing altogether.

If you look around, you would see all kinds of women staring at them with yearning and adoration in their eyes. Some couldn't even help but blush even though the said three aren't giving them the time of the day.

There's the most powerful tower owner with his dazzling looks and smile that are on par with Ezekiel's. There's the handsome Crown Prince with his elegant charm that made him so popular amongst the people. Then there's Nathaniel, Captain of the Royal Knights, who has this cold and domineering air on him.

That side is like the gathering of eye-candies with only one missing person.

'Where the hell is Lukas? I want to see them altogether!'

The three then, for some reason, glanced at our table. I felt like I met Janus's eyes for a second there or I might just be tripping.

Oh gosh. Those handsome men... I can't even...

"My eyes feel like they're going to fall off their sockets," I grumbled-- "Handsome men are really the best..."

"Indeed," Gwen chimed.

"I also agree," Bea nodded.

The council has spoken. Handsome guys rules!

I heard someone sniggered.

"Just like us, right?" It was Eon.

Gwen blankly stared at his brother.


Eon proudly raised up his chin.

"I mean, if you're looking for handsome people, then we're here," he then turned to gushing women from our left-- "Right, ladies?" And flashed them a grin.

The women lost their marbles.


Eon looked so amazed with himself.

I looked him over, from the top of his brown curly hair, down to his polished black shoes.

He is handsome, yes. But nowhere near the height of those three mountains over there.

"Hmm, I guess so... Yeah, sure," I agreed and sipped on my wine.

Conrad and Noah shook their heads while Luther continued laughing his ass off. Eon looked so happy though, good for him.

"Though it kind of sounded unenthusiastic but, hehe, I am handsome, yes," he affirmed.

The orchestra changed their lively music and played a waltz. It was the sign that the dancefloor is ready to be abused. That sounded wrong, isn't it?

As soon as the music started, couples entered the floor. There were those single men who gained courage and asked fellow single women to dance with them. Some were even flustered as they agreed.

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