Chapter 74 - Nadia's Social Debut Pt. 2

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"Which of these should we put in her beautiful silvery moonlight hair?" Erin added.

'Why must you say it like that though...'

That statement of hers was the start of a heated debate, and that brings us to now. The three enthusiastic ladies spouted their preferences one after another until they started giving out explanations as to why it suits me better.

As I have said. It was nonsensical but still amusing nonetheless.

"Red suits milady more," Amy voiced out.

The others glanced at Amy who was proudly showing them red hair clips.. The three who were in a heated discussion hummed before they all nodded in agreement. It was now decided that red accessories would be used to decorate my hair.

While they were busy doing that, somebody knocked on the door. Freesia went and opened it to let whoever it was inside.

"Milady, this came from Her Majesty The Empress," George announced and gave me a fancy wooden box that has beautiful carvings on it.


"Thank you, George," I uttered and smiled at him.

The latter nodded and left the room. So now, I was sitting there in front of the vanity table, holding a fancy box.

'What could this be?'

It's making me rather nervous, to be honest. Anything that came from royalty would always be priceless and quite burdensome. I, who is still not used to having expensive things given to me. I'll probably get used to it for maybe, a few more years?

I slowly opened it, afraid of what I would see. Something shiny greeted my eyes.

Was it jewels? Nope.

Golden figurines? Not either.

Another jeweled bonsai tree? Thankfully not. That bonsai tree is still there on my bedside table, constantly reminding me every day that rich people are ridiculous.

What was it then? Oh, it's just shoes. But these shoes probably cost ransom money. Given that it came from Her Majesty herself.

It's pretty though.

It was silver in color. On its pointed heels, intricate vines with leaves curled around the soles and at the back of the shoe. The artist who did this should be given an award, as to how delicately beautiful that silver carving was.

"Amazing..." I mumbled and gazed at it in wonder.

This looked like it could be displayed in museums...

I then saw a card lodged between the shoes and pulled them out. It was a letter from the Empress.

'Happy birthday, my dear niece. I could not attend the celebration even if I wanted to, so take this gift instead.'


A smile immediately appeared on my lips upon reading her message.

It's true that the rulers of the empire should not attend a party on a whim, even if you're blood-related or not. It's an unspoken rule because it could be taken as something else if they did. It's a different case for a prince though. I was worried that Ezekiel may not be able to come but he assured me that he definitely would.

Well then, I would use these shoes instead!

I gave it to Amy who then placed it carefully over the bed, next to my oomph of a dress. I was seriously excited to put it on and we were just waiting for dusk to come so I could wear it.

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