Chapter 88 - The Meeting Pt. 1

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Lukas's purple eyes went to him, "Oh? So this is the captain of the knights? You have quick reflexes, not bad."

"Nathan put down your sword." His Majesty ordered.

"Calm down Nathan," Ezekiel seconded.

He was confused as to why they are both letting this man do this but heeded their orders nonetheless. Nathan's eyes trained on the arrogant duke who didn't even try to fix himself at all and continued slouching on the chair.

His Majesty saw Nathan's inquiring eyes and smiled.

"This is Lukas, the new duke of Agera," Kael, the Emperor, stated.

He knows that, and if so, he is still one of the Emperor's subjects.. Hence, this act of him is preposterous.

"He is also sort of my big brother," Ezekiel added.

"Heh. I was never your brother," Lukas interjects.

"That's why I said sort of... You still have not changed, I see," Ezekiel replied and shook his head lightly.

Lukas glanced at Ezekiel, "What's there to change?"

Upon observing how the two interacted with one another, Nathan then understood. They are both close. Nevertheless, his curiosity for their leniency was still there.

He had never heard of Ezekiel having a blood brother, so this man wouldn't be a Windsor nor has the royal bloodline. The only close relatives the imperial family has are the late Grand Duke who had already died without any offspring, and also, the Hermans.

He also did not remember seeing him in the past. Well, he had only met Ezekiel when they were both 14, and his first time to the palace at that. So this man could have been here years before that.

But still, even if he was a direct relative, he wouldn't dare to act like that in front of them. Yet this man did and is still not getting arrested for disrespecting the royal family.

"Don't think about it too deeply, Nathaniel. Come and sit down," His Majesty insisted, gesturing towards the chair opposite Lukas.

Nathan did just that, all the while being aware that Lukas was studying him openly. He doesn't know what to feel about it. It was like he was being judged face to face. Should he be insulted?

He looked at the man squarely in his eyes and held his gaze, then felt his overwhelming aura again, making him avert looking at him.

Nathan was internally pissed about this. He is the captain of the knights, and yet he is being repressed like this.

Lukas then tilted his head, seemingly intrigued.

It was unusual. He also emits this strange energy but is completely different from her sister's.

'Hermans... I might have to investigate their ancestry.'

His anima definitely felt him but not acted as excitedly as it did with Nadia. Even so, he couldn't brush off the fact that this guy also possesses unfathomable powers.

He wanted to know what it was, and how did the Herman's ever have apples that diverged from their tree.

Lukas had met the Marquis, but there was nothing unusual about him. He held no aura or blessings, or maybe there is, but it was faint. Therefore, Lukas concluded that it would be from the mother's side.

He had been around, running from place to place, searching for whatever the hell he was trying to find. Thus, he also knew that in all of Rosenthal, there were only two direct descendants from the deities. Then these two came along, adding one to the list.

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