Chapter 79 - Nadia's Plan

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My eye candies! They are here! Too bad they are missing one. It is given that Ezekiel won't be here because he is the Crown Prince and he has duties in the palace, so it is understandable in a way. But why are the knights here then?

"For you," Nathan said and gave me the roses which I gratefully took-- "Congratulations," he then added.

I beamed at him in return, "Thank you~"

"Congratulations!" Luther chimed-- "I don't have anything except for my presence. Now I kind of want a sister too..."

"Luther, you have one right here!" Eon remarked and pointed to me-- "Little sister, right?"

'Ugh. This again...'

Luther sneered at him, "Sister...? Heh.."

Eon frowned and punched him in the shoulders lightly, the latter only laughed out loud as a response.

"Congratulations on graduating," Conrad seconded and handed the bouquet to his sister, Eon did the same.

Bea cutely smiled as she held the flowers that her brother gave her. I was actually checking Gwen and Conrad's interaction and tried to see if he would give her something too. He did not...

'Ah, how disappointing... Come on Conrad, up your game!'

I noticed that giving flowers is quite the norm for them now. Even Eon and Conrad, whom I have never imagined having this side of them, brought one for their sisters. It's kind of cute...

Though, I wouldn't get to know that it was because Nathan started it, and that the two did not originally think of buying it from the start.

My eyes looked back to my silent brother, "Is it really okay that all of you are here? What about your duties?"

"We have filed a day-off in advance. Don't worry about it," Nathan replied in a nonchalant tone.

"That's right, Nads! Though we have to be back later in the palace because the new duke of Agera is coming today. But at least you get to see our handsomeness..." Eon casually reveals while grinning proudly. It definitely caught my attention.

'New duke of Agera? ... Lukas?!'

Nnn! It is that time already! I can't believe I have forgotten about it. Three years have already passed, which means, the original plot is going to happen at this point!

I remember hearing that rumor three years ago about the Agera dukedom having a new ruler.

'What do I do? I can't stop feeling excited Kyaaaah~'

"Don't just say things out loud, dumb ass!" Conrad then berated him.

Eon stares at Conrad in confusion before he suddenly covers his mouth with widening eyes.

Looking at those two, it is still unbelievable to me that Eon is older than him. Like, what is that? That sounds like a lie! Just look at them! Conrad acts more mature than Eon most of the time. Who would believe that?

"I truly do not know why you are the vice-captain of the royal knights," Gwen clicks her tongue.

"Wha-- It's because I'm awesome!" Eon replied and pouted at his sister.

'See? He is like this, so how can he be of the same age as my brother?'

But what did Gwen say just now?

I gaped at them blankly, "You're the vice-captain?"

'I might have heard it wrong...'

Conrad sighed, "Yes, he is."

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