Chapter 14 - Inception

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a/n: this chapter contains slightly sexual contents (slightly because it's not direct :P )


Late. Always late. Damn me and my sleeplessness at night. I wonder if I'll ever be able to arrive punctual for once. Mom says no, I'm just a chronic laggard, I'll never change. She even says I'll most probably be late to my own wedding. I normally answer that that's cool, because the bride is supposed to be late. She just laughs and says that if my future husband won't mind, then he loves me for real.

But, good news is, today it's Monday, which means that my first class is Creative Writing, which means ...

"Miss Watson!" Mrs. Porter greeted me, well, more like called startled because, in my running to class, I was about to crash into her just as she was opening the door of the class. I stopped myself just in time and grinned at her, silently apologizing. She pretended to give me a dirty look, but I did see the amused smile on her lips. I won't say she's one of my favorite teachers, but she's not bad, especially not compared to others.

As I entered, I found all of my peers at their desks already. I looked around, wondering if Kyle was there already and if I could dare sit beside him, but once again, like a flashback, Mrs. Porter reprimanded: "Join your teammates, Miss Watson. They're waiting for you already." I gulped at that.

Teammates. Plural. Which means, once again, both. Both at the same time. Differently from last week, I was almost glad to go sit in between them, although really hoping they wouldn't end up fighting again. As I scanned the room, I noticed kids were all paired up already, so I silently made my way to the back of the class.

Oh, déjà vu, my dear friend ... both Kyle and Eric were sitting there, the seat in the middle was empty, which obviously means I was once again in between them. Odd, I was anxious and yet not too troubled. Actually, this morning I woke up with a good feeling, like this day might be interesting.

They both glanced at me, but while one smiled openly, waving at me, the other merely grunted, turning to the window. You can easily guess which one did what. As I reached them, I inhaled deeply and smiled. At both. But while Kyle smiled back, Eric obviously pretended he didn't even see me.

The other day at my place was odd, to say the least. He looked carefree for once, like he'd all of a sudden forgotten who he was to the world. On Saturday he spent a good couple of hours trying to hammer in my mind things I just can't make myself learn, but opposite to what I expected, Eric was a very patient tutor, he explained and explained the same rule more than once, showing me how to do my homework, and even when I kept making mistakes, he didn't lose his temper, actually, he was calm all the time. Odd, right?

"Hi, guys." I greeted, somewhat confident, placing my notebook on the desk.

"How was your weekend?" Kyle immediately asked.

I probably blushed, but managed to reply calmly anyway: "Kind of busy. Yours?"

He shrugged, briefly recounting me of how he'd been with some friends and so on.

"How was yours?" I asked as I turned to Eric, who for a moment seemed surprised to have me not talk to him, but even only pay attention to his presence. He simply shrugged, though, without replying, so I thought it was better not to push my luck. Just because he was kind for an afternoon, doesn't mean he'll always be.

I turned to my notebook, opening it and flipping through pages. If I was there in between them, it only meant we were supposed to work on the fairy tale today too, in fact Mrs. Porter said exactly that, but, different from other times, we only had half an hour, then we'd be doing something else. I didn't know whether to resume to both where we got to or just come up with new ideas or even only wait for one of them to talk.

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