Chapter 12 - Morning Surprises

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Duh ... mornings come always too soon for my liking. I was barely able to wake up this morning, yeah, I know I always say that, but this morning was particularly hard. Ok, maybe I stayed up late reading ... I confess.

It's just that I couldn't stop and ... well, you know how it works. Although, the thing is, yesterday night I talked to Kyle till 11 at least, then I really didn't feel like sleeping, so I fell back on reading, which was hard in the beginning, as my mind kept traveling to that lovely boy and I kept giggling in delight, but in the end I managed...ended up falling asleep by 3 am.

I think it's a miracle I was able to put together decent clothes, well, ok, let's say ... clothes whose colors together don't look like a punch in the eye: I was wearing simple dark jeans and a loose grey sweater, hair let loose, but simply because I had no time to tie it up in a bun since I had to run just as I'd laced my Converse. I bet my hair looked like a lion's mane or something of the sort.

In my mind I could picture Jamie grumbling that this wasn't at all the way to go after Kyle, but ... well, actually, I have no idea where to start. Maybe I should makeover or something. Or maybe I should just be myself and ... wait, wait, wait ... I must be still sleeping because ... calm down, Natalie, he's not there to end you ... maybe. I shook my head, deleting all those scenarios of him torturing me in the worst ways possible before actually complying with my begs to be let die.

I know what you're thinking: there you are, Natalie's gone nuts. Nope. Because, leaning on my locker, arms crossed, head down, looking like a badass male model of some car advertisement, was no less than Eric.

What exactly could he want from me? I mean, we're nothing to each other, we never really ... well, duh, Natalie, your brain was left sleeping at home, wasn't it? What else could he want with you other than talk about the project?

Yes, inner self, you are absolutely right, but wait ... yesterday he clearly said he doesn't want me around and has no intention of working on the project anymore, so ... well, I guess I'll find out only if I face him. No other solution, right?

Also because, I guess fleeing in the opposite direction would attract some attention, especially his, who would know he's getting under my skin and ... well, I've let Miss Wickedness break me into tears already, I can't let this Devil now influence me this much. Besides, he said he doesn't hate me. I know that with Eric Rivers it's always everything unpredictable, but ... oh, well, grow some boobs and face him, Natalie!

Gulping down my fears, that only kept rising as I approached my locker, I tried to gather up all my strength and face this devil that despite the afternoon together still scared the living shit out of me. Not to mention yesterday in the gym ...

It still freaks me out that he knows that much about me, especially because I have no idea why. That he pitied me, is obviously the only reason why he had Dana quit tormenting me, but knowing those things about me ... like a Big Brother (either the TV show or the entity George Orwell described in 1984, you pick, but I'd rather the latter, only because I hate the TV show), watching me 24/7.

I couldn't help but giggle on my own as I reminisced the quote of my favorite TV show ... you are being watched [...] a Machine, that spies on you every hour of every day ... well, let's be positive then, Mr. Reese might pop up from behind the corner if I get seriously in trouble.

I returned serious as my eyes observed Eric some more. He was clearly waiting for me. Wasn't looking at me, but I bet he knew I was on my way there. This boy's like a vampire, just feels the movement around him without even seeing it. Me, I always end up crashing on my wardrobe when at night I get up to pee.

The Angel,The Devil,The Nerdजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें