Chapter 150 - My Eyes, My Eyes!!

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TN: So sorry about missing a chapter last week. I totally forgot about it ( =_=) , I was so busy...

As the travelling came to an end, I saw the all so familiar gate when we reached Center-Tulle. Thanks to the modified horse carriage, my bum was saved from exploding. Nor was I mistaken to be a ghost due to me floating above the seat. Even Guta was surprised at how little it rocked.

" So this is the technology of Elzmu. No wonder we we failed... "

He said, mocking himself. Seeing that, I felt a tiny pang of guilt. We were supposed to head through the gate but I had something I wanted to do. You know, like how your right foot was in Center-Tulle while the left foot stayed in Flowason. Or something like that.

" Will-Sama, what are you doing? "

Buu-san called out to the me who had moved towards the gate subconsciously. I froze. I had wanted to stepped inside and yelled out " This is it! Center-Tulle! ". What was wrong with me? The boke-soul that was sealed deep inside me was hurting! Must be because of that tsukkomi bear near me.

" No, nothing. "

I averted my eyes as I straightened up and walked ahead. I saw the members of the Intelligence Corps paying their toll fees at the gate out of the corner of my eyes but acting as an 'innocent' child, I simply walked right through.

There was not much difference from the streets of Flowason. Putting it bluntly, the whole place was dreary. The people walking along the street looked dispirited and even the shopkeepers were the same. Although there wasn't much people walking about in the first place. Compared to the previous trip here, the place looked worst than before. Can a place changed that much in just 6 months?

" This is.... Center-Tulle? "

I mumbled, surprised at what I saw. If this was the central of Hattuo, it was to the level where one had to wondered how were they able to entered into the [4 great countries]. I mean, when one spoke about the central, it would be place where all the trading took place as well as being the most crowded.

Here, you could see wood shavings all over the cobble and... oh yes. The reason for looking like they were dispirited might be because of the color choices of their clothes. They were all wearing dark colors, like black, brown or navy.

We then walked to the end of one street in order to not let anyone hear what we were talking.

" You must be wondering why it changed so much in just a few months. It's the priests. The people here are afraid of them. "

Guta said, in a small voice that only I could hear as we walked over.

" They must be thinking that we are the same as them. "

Saying that, Guta looked that the townsfolk who were taken aback and cringed at the sight of us. Ahh, so that was why. Now I know why they were behaving that way. They were afraid of 'us'.

Although the number of guards weren't a lot, we still had them. Plus, the clothes on us were clearly of high-quality. Even if we were not thought as priests, they could still see that we were nobles of some kind. With the priests as examples, it was normal for them to fear people who looked like they had power. Don't wake the sleeping dogs, they always said. And so, they did not even dared to looked at us. They avoided crossing our path and kept their eyes down as they trembled, trying to protected themselves.

" What a stifling place this is. "

How suffocating. Not to mention how difficult it was to live in this place. I would had never wanted to live in a place like this if I was a citizen of Hattuo. Even if I was one of the priests.

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