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Instead of untying my bounds and letting me walk, Bolik instead allows me to feel his slimy hands on my body as he carries me into the cabin.

I look around the familiar space and I'm actually comforted. I had missed my home. Then I notice that things look different. They don't look untouched like they should be considering that I've been gone for so long. Things have been moved around.

"You have been living here," I gasp.

Bolik snorts, "Genius, aren't you?"

"Despicable, aren't you?"

He moves me into my room. This room has remained the same except for a pure silver rod that has been attached to the wall beside my bed.

"You've been redecorating, I see," I say, eyeing the rod.

Bolik places me on the bed then leaves the room. I immediately start plotting how I'm going to undo my bounds and escape. Before I'm able to do anything, Bolik returns with silver chains.

He loosens the bounds on my feet and hands and ties my feet with the chains and connects the chains to the silver rod. However he leaves my hands free. The silver in the chains are going to prevent me from shifting, so the escape plan that was already forming in my head dissipates.

Even though it's such a terrible situation, it's nice to be in my bed again.

"Bolik, you can't just keep me like this forever, you realise. I'm going to be out of these chains and this times I'm going to make sure your heart's not beating before I run."

He laughs, "Your threats are nice however, I have no plans to 'keep you like this forever'. Don't worry, you'll be out of those chains soon. Our partnership doesn't end here."

"My father is buried right outside this cabin, the man you called a friend for so many years. The man you went on raids with, on hunts, who fed you, that man, my father, is under the ground right outside and you are treating his daughter like this. How do you think he would feel? You are betraying him!" I had never liked Bolik but my father had, they had been the best of friends. That had to mean something.

"I am not betraying him!" He turned to go out, "You're one to talk, setting up house with his murderers. I'm just a friend, but you share his blood."

I had enough sense not to let what he said get to me but it still stung a bit. Somebody in Alex's pack had killed my father but seeing things from their perspective, I understood it. We were rogues, we had raided their pack and stolen from them. Whoever had bitten my dad had only been doing his job.

I figured I would be alone in the room for a while so I immediately started working on loosening the chains. It was no use. While silver didn't harm werewolves while they were in their human form, this amount could kill me if I shifted to my wolf form.

I fell back on the bed and looked around the room, things were mostly still in their place from the last time I had been here, the day of the burial.

I vaguely wondered where Sonya was. Did she know that Bolik was the reason I had left? She was smart, she probably did.

I looked longingly at my bookshelf. I wished I could have one of the books. If I was going to be a maniac's prisoner, I might as well have something nice to read. My hands weren't tied anyway.

Bolik returned sooner than I had expected him. He handed me a bowl of gruel.

"Food is going to be tight around here for a while. At least until we complete the next step."

The food smelt disgusting, I doubted I would be putting it into my mouth.

"What is this big plan, Bolik?"

"None of your business," he snapped.

"Well, seems like I'm a big part of it. Don't you think you should let me in?"

He seemed to think about it for a while but he seemed to decide I was worthy because he brought a chair in and sat on it backwards, facing me.

"I'm going to be king."

I frowned, "King offff..?"

"Of the Lycans, what else?"

I couldn't help the laughter that bubble out of me. Bolik frowned and got up, ready to leave.

"I'm sorry, please tell me more. I'm just surprised, you're not Lycan," Bolik's hair was as blonde as they came. Not a single Lycan had blonde hair.

He smiled and sat back down, "That's where you come in. Anaya, what I'm about to tell you may shock you. You have Lycan royal blood."

This time, I resisted the urge to laugh, and settled for an appropriate response instead, "No!"

He nodded. His expression was so serious, the fact I was able to not laugh ought to get me an award, "Yes. Your mother was a Lycan princess. She ran away with your father. So, you have a claim to the throne."

All traces of laughter quickly disappeared as I realised what he was saying.

"If you have a claim to the throne, that means you could be Queen and your mate, King," he finished triumphantly.

"And who is my mate?" I asked, knowing the answer but dreading the words that were about to come out of his mouth all the same.

He frowned, "Me, of course. We are to be mated, Anaya. Then we shall proceed with our plans."

He got up and approached me smiling. When he got to the bed, I shrunk closer to the wall but he only leaned in further. Half shifting and extending his claws, he sliced my arm a little and bright red blood rose to the surface. He used his claw to take a drop of the blood.

"This blood is my ticket. It's going to change everything. You are going to change everything."

I watched with horror as he brought the claw to his mouth and licked the blood off.

I needed to get out of here.

Snagged by the Rogue [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now