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I was pacing. I couldn't seem to stop pacing. Anaya was leaving and I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what I wanted.

She would never agree to stay if I asked her and I wasn't going to ask her.

But did I want her to go?

I knew our ruse would have to come to an end sooner or later.

But lately, I'd been secretly hoping it would be later.

But I was guilty.

Guilty, guilty, guilty.

I'd told Anaya that I hadn't known the guy in the dungeons was her brother.

That wasn't entirely true.

The truth in it was that I really hadn't known.

But it had crossed my mind.

On one of my visits down there I'd noticed that the boy bore a passing resemblance to Anaya.

But I hadn't known she had a brother so I dismissed it.

If I had started my clue-connecting then, maybe she wouldn't be leaving.

Or would she?

Anaya was one of the few women I couldn't read.

The only thing that helped me was the mark I had put on her. But she had figured out some trick to block me out of that sometimes.

Without the mark, Anaya was almost an enigma.

I couldn't be sure what she thought of me now. If her feelings had changed.

Like mine had.

But that didn't matter now. She was leaving, which answered my question.

And I'd be damned if I begged a woman to stay with me.

I heard her enter the house and I stopped pacing momentarily to follow her movements. I heard Selene say something to her but I wasn't able to catch what it was.

She went up the stairs and into her room.
I started pacing again. This was my very last chance. She was in my own space, I could try tospeak to her, to explain yet again that I hadn't known the boy was her brother.

But I wouldn't budge, I had explained myself over and over already. Who did she think she was anyway?

Did she want me to come crawling to her? If she did, she must be dreaming. Alphas don't beg.

I heard her room door open again. She was leaving. Then I realised her footsteps weren't heading towards the front door.

They were heading... here!


I jumped into my seat behind my desk and had just found some papers to study to make me look busy and like I hadn't been listening for her movements like a creep when she knocked.

She came into the room and her scent filled it. I found myself breathing it in involuntarily, trying to store it in my memory.

I avoided looking at her, afraid of what I would do if I did.

She said some crap about thanking me for my 'hospitality' and I rolled my eyes, was I supposed to have kicked her out?

Then she left.

And this time, I heard the front door shut.

I flew to my feet again.

Do you know the feeling when you have a really important decision to make and the deadline for making it is fast approaching?

And you still haven't made a choice? The heart-crushing anxiety you feel, the understanding that whatever you choose at that point can make or mar your life.

That's what I was feeling as I watched Anaya and Tim leaving from my window, like it was a minute to deadline and I still hadn't made my choice.

My heart was beating fast, my wolf was yelling at me to DO SOMETHING. She was a rogue, if she left, I would probably never see her again.

But you see, an Alpha's stubbornness is his gift and his curse. I didn't change my mind, I instead clenched my fists so hard that I drew blood.

Luke barged into my study without knocking.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Alex?" he roared in my face.

Leaning back because he was much too close for comfort, I frowned, "Excuse me?"

"I asked you what the hell you think you're doing because I know you're not about to let that girl leave!"

I rolled my eyes and headed to my desk, "Get out."

"Alex, do you realise what a big mistake you're making?"

He was beginning to annoy me, "It's none of your business. Get. Out."

Sensing that I was about to lose it, he headed to the door, "You're going to regret this for this rest of your life."

I downed a glass of whiskey, trying to drown out all the voices.

She made her choice.

There was nothing I could do.

I repeated that over and over as if I was trying to brainwash myself into believing them.

"Damnit!" I flew out of my chair, breaking another glass.

Luke was right.

What was I thinking letting her go? I didn't even try, I just gave up.

Gave up on my mate!

I was a fool.

I ran out of my study, mind-linking a few people on the way.

We all assembled in front of my house. Myself; Luke; Kyan, my head guard; and about 40 other pack soldiers.

I wasn't sure where Anaya was headed but I had a good guess.

The majority of us were going to head towards the Royal Pack, hoping to meet Anaya on the way, but just in case I was wrong and she wasn't heading there, a few other guards were going to spread out and go in other directions.

We all shifted and began our journey.

My wolf was howling in excitement. I was finally listening to him. We were finally going after our mate.

I was surprised how far we had travelled without coming across the people we were looking for. They must have been travelling really quickly.

Or they hadn't gone in this direction at all.

I considered calling it off and going in another direction but then....

The smell of blood assaulted my nose before I actually saw the scene.

A man was crouched in front of something, his back to us.

When he heard the crunching of leaves, he turned to us, his defences up revealing himself to be Tim.

In turning to us, his body wasn't blocking anymore and we were able to see what he had been crouched in front of.

The naked body of my mate.

Covered in blood.


Tim's eyes were filled with tears as he looked at us and said one word, his voice quivering with fear,


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