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I am bursting with excitement!!! Thank you so so so so so so x a million much!!!! I never thought that I would reach 100 reads!!! Thank you (again) for the reads! OK, one sec, Imma go run around and scream.

OK, I'm back now. Thank you again!!! I need to figure out a challenge now....

100 Reads Celebration Challenge: Go up to someone (could be someone you know, or someone you don't---it's all up to you!) and yell (or tell if you're more comfortable with that) them your favorite ship in KOTLC. And, also, please comment your favorite ship in the comments section.  I would love to see which of the KOTLC characters you ship most.

For me, my fav KOTLC ship has to be Sokeefe (for obvious reasons). Also: I am so completing this challenge. Going up to someone and yelling at them "Sokeefe!" has never been so enticing. I can't wait to see their confused/slightly concerned/terrified expressions! (Am I a mean person for saying that?)

Thank you, again, for the 100 reads!!!!


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