Chapter 13

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I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't kill me..... ---MockingjayMoonlark


Chapter Thirteen


They arrived at Green Boots cave, totally prepared for absolutely anything—at least, that's what Sophie told herself—that the Neverseen could throw at them. They were equipped with air masks, warm clothes, and weapons—tons and tons of weapons. When Sophie had told all of her friends plus the bodyguards about Everest, it was chaos, to say the least. Her friends had been annoyed that she didn't tell them about the Neverseen contacting her, the bodyguards had been mad (especially Sophie's) that nobody alerted them of this threat, and when Sophie had explained her plan, the bodyguards had freaked out even more, immediately trying to contain everybody in their own secure spaces. However, Sophie had somehow managed to calm them down, and allow her and her friends to go to Everest to fight the Neverseen, as long as the bodyguards were allowed to be present. Which they were. Annoyingly present.

"I don't see anyone," Sandor grumbled, squeaky voice muffled from his air mask. "It's safer if we just went back to our homes."

Sophie sighed in frustration, the noise strange from the mask— "We can't do that! The Neverseen are coming, and we need Fitz! We need Fitz."

"When I see that boy," Grizel seethed, "I will tear him apart. What was he thinking, defecting? Leaving us all behind? I was—am—in charge of him! He's so dead when I see him."

Sophie fingered her goblin star nervously. She had the urge to pick at her eyelashes, but she suppressed it, going instead to fidget with her weapons. "Where are they?" She murmured to herself, "They're supposed to be here by now!" She checked her watch again. 5:15 PM. Then she glanced at the note. "Mt. Everest tomorrow at 5,"it said. And it was 5, on the right day, and they were at Mt. Everest, in Green Boots Cave.

Sophie's eyes flitted around anxiously, landing on the body with the green boots that lay, encased in ice, in a corner of the cave. That was the man with the green boots, the namesake of the cave. She gulped, and hoped that that wouldn't happen to any of them. Suddenly, someone squeezed her hand reassuringly, and Sophie jumped and looked to the side, met with a pair of familiar ice-blue eyes—Keefe.

"You okay?" He asked quietly, squeezing Sophie's hand again.

Sophie took a deep breath in. "Yeah. Just worrie—" The rest of her sentence dissolved into a scream.

The room shook, like an earthquake ripped through the cave, and chunks of ice and snow fell from the ceiling. Then the rumbling started. It was as if a dragon was roaring within the cave, wrecking chaos.

Screams rang out, echoing within the ice. Sophie met Keefe's grim eyes. The battle had begun.



Fitz quickly pulled on his new Neverseen cloak, then set on lining the fabric with deadly weapons. He took a mental note of what weapons might be the most helpful—Dagger, goblin star, melder, knife... what else? Right, exploding bomb-thingy.

He reached for his 12th dagger to hide in his cloak, but a hand stopped him. Audra. "What?" He asked, lifting his eyes to the face that connected to the hand.

"You need your name," she stated, eyes cold with pre-battle readiness. "What do you want to go by? Remember, you choose only once. And there's no going back once you have one."

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