Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve


Fitz awoke to Lady Gisela's voice. "Fitz?" he heard her asking impatiently, "Are you awake yet? Audra, honey, you told me that he'd be conscious by now!"

"Mom, I don't know, okay? The antidote affects everyone differently!" Audra shot back, irritated.

"Hi," Fitz forced himself to say. Although it sounded more like 'I', with his mouth so dry.

"You're awake!" Audra practically shrieked. "Finally! I never thought that you would wake up!"

Well, that's reassuring, Fitz thought sleepily. His vision swam, and it looked like Audra had two heads. "Mmf," he muttered, words slurring.

Audra wiggled her fingers, holding a hand up. "How many fingers am I holding?" She instructed.

"Fouf," Fitz said, then tried again to get the word out. "Fouw. Agh! Four! I mwean four!"

Audra looked at him, concerned. "Fitz, I was holding up two fingers. You okay?"

Fitz opened his mouth to answer, but Lady Gisela cut him off. "It doesn't matter whether or not Fitzroy is okay at the present moment," she rushed, words clipped with annoyance. "He can always rest later. Now, he needs to know why he got the antidote, and what he has to do. We don't have time for him to take a nap and be ready for us to talk to him—we have to do it now."

Audra looked as if she would protest—but she just nodded quietly, obediently. Gisela turned to Fitz. "Fitzroy, you have to listen carefully, now, because we won't be able to repeat this to you afterwards," she said briskly. Fitz nodded slowly, his brain still foggy, and Gisela sped on. "You received the antidote at this particular time because we need you. We were planning on administering it later, but at the speed of the current events, we figured that attacking your friends now, rather than later, would leave us with a tactical advantage, as we have you, the person whom they depend on so much. Without you, they are drowning, unsure of how they can move forward. See, you were always one of the driving forces of your team—you, Sophie, and my son. Sophie relied on you heavily, not only because of your incredible Cognate skills, but of the fact that you were practically the first elf she met, and the first friend she got. So, clearly, they're in a tough spot now." Lady Gisela held up a finger. "A tough spot that we can use in our favor. Which we're doing."

Fitz's vision cleared, and his tongue didn't feel as sandpaper-y as it used to. "What do you mean?" He asked, words finally clear, although his voice was scratchy and raw.

"What I mean," Lady Gisela explained, eyes twinkling, "is that we're attacking tomorrow. With you."

Fitz jolted completely into level-headedness. "Tomorrow?" he asked incredulously.

Lady Gisela nodded, ice-blue eyes growing brighter with eagerness. "Tomorrow. At Mt. Everest. Green Boots cave, like last time... and you are a big part of the plan."

"What do you mean?"

"Audra, explain," Lady Gisela told Audra.

"Fitz, we need you to weaken them," Audra said, carefully, "then we'll have an advantage. We could win."

Fitz tried to wrap his head around all this new information—but it was hard. Finally, he lined all the pieces up and mulled it over. "So... what am I going to do?" Fitz asked finally.

Lady Gisela smirked with victory. "And that's what we're going to tell you."


Sorry for the super short chapter! But, at least, I updated super quickly! That's a plus. Hope you enjoyed Chapter 12. Thank you so much for the 238 reads! It really means a lot to me. 

Have a good summer and day, and happy reading!


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