Chapter 1

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Note: Most of these characters belong to Shannon Messenger, except for the rare few that are my OCs. The plot is also my own. Enjoy!

Chapter One


Fitz smiled awkwardly at Sophie as he opened the door for her. "Hi," He said.

"Hi," Sophie sighed deeply, and plopped onto a couch. "I need to tell you something."

Fitz's friendly smile dissolved. "Yeah?" He asked. He knew something bad was coming - Sophie looked like she hadn't slept for a while.

"So. . ." Sophie trailed off. "I've decided. . . well. . . Fitz. . ."

"Sophie. . . just speak your mind. It's okay." Fitz fiddled with his Cognate rings. He really, really wished that he had Mr. Snuggles right now. Sophie's uneasiness was making him nervous.

Sophie took a deep breath, and sighed. "I've decided to go with Keefe."

"WHAT?" Fitz yelled after he had regained his voice.

"I know! I'm sorry! But. . ." Sophie faltered. "We can still be friends. We can still be Cognates. I'm just not sure if we'll work out. Especially since we're Cognates, and that means that if something happens. . . ." Sophie pulled at her eyelashes. "I wouldn't want our Cognate connection to be destroyed because of that. I'm sorry, Fitz."

Fitz stared blankly at her as she stood up and walked outside. Sophie stopped as she reached for the door, and then turned back to Fitz. "I really am sorry. Just... understand why I'm doing this, okay? Please."

Fitz just stared at her as she sighed and left. Fitz felt as if that door closing was his entire world closing up on him also. He stood there, staring at the door, waiting for Sophie to come back, yelling "Tricked you!", but that never happened.

Slowly, as he stood there, the numbness and sadness in his chest was replaced with anger, and hate. "HOW COULD SHE?" He yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I DID SO MUCH TO PROVE I WAS WORTHY! HOW COULD SHE?" He felt alone, and even more so because no one was coming near him. Everyone knew better than to interrupt Fitz in the middle of a tantrum.

Chest heaving, Fitz sat down, stunned, on the pillows that he had been punching. By now, the pillows were little more than scrap fabric and fluffy feathers. "No. . . ," He whispered dejectedly. "This has to be a dream. THIS HAS TO BE A DREAM!"

Biana, who, at that moment, was crossing the hallway to go to the kitchen, jumped at Fitz's yelling.

Fitz put his head in his hands, and started crying yet again. "I don't understand. . . What did I do wrong?" He sobbed.

Biana walked toward him, and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Fitz. You didn't do anything wrong. Sophie just chose what she wanted."

Fitz looked up at her, eyes angry and red. "She was mine," he growled, "before that snake Keefe stole her!"

Biana backed away slowly, like how someone would if they approached a bear. "Fitz," she said sternly. "Keefe is your friend. And people aren't 'yours.'"

Fitz ignored her blatantly, staring at anywhere but his sister. Biana laid a hand on his shoulder. Fitz shook her off and turned sharply. "Leave me alone," He hissed. Biana nodded and stepped away, her appetite gone.

Biana's hand trembled as she pulled it off. "Fitz," she said as she walked away. "I never thought that something like this would break you. I thought you were much stronger than that."

"Are you calling me weak?" Fitz demanded, teal eyes seething with anger. Biana was shocked at the sheer amount of pure hatred in her brother's eyes. Did he really hate Keefe that much? Or did he hate her? Or Sophie?

"N–no, I just—"

"I'M NOT WEAK!" Fitz yelled, surging to his feet and advancing on Biana. Her eyes widened, and she ducked away.

"I never said you were!" Biana tried hopelessly to soothe her brother, seeing his hand go to his pocket.

In a swift motion, he pulled out a shining silver goblin star. The razor-sharp edges gleamed in the light, and he took aim.

"You wouldn't!" Biana screamed, seeing the weapon. "I'm your sister!"

Fitz prepared to throw the star, and as his fingers let go, he realized what he'd done. He's eyes were pure terror, and he tried to stop the star from reaching Biana.

Everything seemed to travel in slow motion. Biana grabbed a dagger from her secret pocket in her dress, and threw it at the goblin star. The dagger shot out and speared the star, sending both tumbling to the ground.

Biana stared at Fitz, a new expression on her face, one that Fitz had never seen directed to him before. Fear. Biana was afraid of her brother. Fitz stumbled. "Biana. . . I'm so sorry! I don't know what got into me!"

"Yeah? Well, I do." Biana's voice was colder than normal. "You got angry. When you get angry, you do things. Things you don't mean." Her voice softened. "And I get that. It's hard to control yourself when you're angry. It's hard. But you need to try. Anger can cloud your mind, make you do bad things. But you need to fight it. Fight the anger. And then you'll be better. Fitz, you need to try." With that, Biana vanished, something she'd never done with Fitz unless she'd been teasing him.

Fitz stared at the spot where Biana had been when she'd disappeared. Then he looked to where the goblin star and dagger lay. He felt broken. Broken by himself, by Sophie, by his anger. He'd almost killed Biana. What was happening to him? He remembered what Biana had said, when he'd said that he didn't know what he was doing, and Biana had replied, I do. You got angry. When you get angry, you do things. Things you don't mean. And I get that. It's hard to control yourself when you're angry. It's hard. But you need to try. Anger can cloud your mind, make you do bad things. But you need to fight it. Fight the anger. And then you'll be better. Fitz, you need to try. "I am trying, Biana," Fitz whispered to himself. "I just don't know what to do next when it doesn't work out."

He gathered up the weapons on the floor, remembering what had happened. Then he shook his head, and went to his room, the weapons still in his hands.

Fitz collapsed on his bed, putting the goblin star and dagger on his desk. He stared up at the ceiling, wondering how he'd got so angry so quickly. He sat up, and found Mr. Snuggles tucked into his blankets. "I don't know what to do, Mr. Snuggles," He whispered to the sparkly red dragon. "Biana told me I had to try and rein my anger in. But it's hard, and it doesn't really work. What do I do now?"

The sparkly red dragon didn't respond—it was a stuffed animal—but Fitz still felt better talking to it. "Thanks, Mr. Snuggles."

He got up, closed the door, and changed into his bedclothes. Then he grabbed the goblin star and dagger off his desk and sat on his bed. He closed his eyes, and let the scene replay in his head.

He only got to the part where Biana'd thrown the dagger that stopped the goblin star, before his eyes snapped open, and he started shaking. Fitz took deep breaths to calm himself, before thinking, I should sleep now. Enough has happened.

He put the weapons to the side again, and grabbed Mr. Snuggles. Just as he was lifting the blankets off the bed, a part of his room shimmered, and the shadows parted. "Hello?" Fitz called out, slowly walking towards his door.

Two figures in black robes with a white eye at the side walked out of the shadows. One of the figures pulled her hood down, and trilled, "Hello Fitz!"

Fitz's eyes widened. It was Lady Gisela. 

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