Chapter 45 When Mr. Thomas Comes Running

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Xavier's POV

I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face after I dropped Addison off at Mr. Thomas'. The fact that she was talking to the elders and they were giving her luna advice made my heart swell.

I mean, I knew from the second we locked eyes that she would amazing, but still. Addison just made me feel a type of happiness that I never knew was possible.

I had been slacking in my workouts these past few days so I decided that I would spend my whole day at the new gym until Addie was with Mr. Thomas.

Grayson and Brad had both been annoying me that I hadn't been coming to our usual workouts. But I just brushed them off, they were both a-wall too when they found out that Ivy and Audrey were their mates too. It was normal for a male wolf to want to spend as much time as he could with his mate at the being of the relationship, and even more so for an Alpha. Especially because Addie was human my wolf was on higher alert for wanting to protect her.

"Alpha," a few wolves bowed slightly as I entered the gym in a greeting.

I gave them all acknowledging nods and smiles as I walked past them and into the men's locker room. Each male werewolf had their own locker at the gym with some of their belongings. I had a spare change of clothes and some workout shorts in mine, nothing fancy. I had also requested someone to do the same for Addison's locker, I wanted to start her training next weekend. After everything with Mr. Davis, my wolf and I agreed that she needed to start training right away.

I had stripped off my sweat pants and t-shirt in exchange for the pair of gym shorts in my locker, keeping my runners on for now. I wanted to get in some training in my wolf form depending on how long Addison was.

"I'm surprised that you actually knew you're way here," Grayson called across the gym to me. He was over on the treadmill with Brad over in the far left corner, and I could see Ivy and Audrey not that far away doing warmup stretches. They always liked to put off actually working out for as long as they could.

"What did Addison get sick of you and kick you out of the house?" Brad joked picking up his pace on the treadmill to obviously outrun Grayson.

"If I remember correctly, I had to literally drag both of you out of the packhouse with Hunter to come and train," I rolled my eyes at them as I stepped onto the empty treadmill by Brad to work out by them.

"Speaking of mates," Ivy piped up walking over to snatch up Grayson's water bottle. "Where is your mate?"

"She's at Mr. Thomas' right now. He came to the gym opening the other day and they stepped aside and he gave her some advice and then this morning she asked me to take her to his so she could ask him a few questions," I told everyone as I started a light jog to warm up.

Ivy made a face at me but didn't say anything.

"What?" I could feel her anxiety through the pack link but figured that it was probably because Grayson was going to get her to work out. \

"Mr. Thomas had just never been my favourite elder," Ivy shrugged. "I know that you love him, but he just reminds me of that weird uncle."

"Babe!" Grayson half yelled at her. "You can't say that the elders remind you of your creepy uncle! You're the beta female, you gotta at least act like you like them."

"I do," Ivy defended herself. "I love and respect all the elders, it's just that Mr. Thomas gives me a weird vibe. I mean, I don't say that to his face!" she cried out in protest.

"Since when?" Bard asked from the other side of Grayson. "When you and Grayson found out that you mates and that you would be beta female he helped you through everything. You were at his house like every week."

I was true. Mr. Thomas helped Ivy learn the ropes because Grayson's mom, the beta female before Ivy, was too busy helping out some other packs at the time. She went over there weekly, if not like three times weekly to learn from him and ask him for help, and of course he always gave it.

Mr. Thomas was a great guy and a highly respected elder.

"And?" Ivy rolled her eyes and set Grayson's water bottle back down. "I had to. It doesn't mean that I liked it. It just means that it was part of my training, I mean have any of you actually spent like one on one time with him?"

"Yeah," Brad and I said.

"He used to babysit me and Cecelia all the time and then when I got older he helped me to train and give me advice," I went on.

"Yeah he helped me plan training plans and did a lot of practice if the pack was attacked," Brad added.

"And you didn't find that weird? That he was always talking about what to do if the pack was attacked?" Ivy exclaimed.

"The only thing I didn't like about Mr. Thomas was his cooking," Brad joked. "Always tasted burnt."

"How long will she be?" Audrey asked changing the subject. "If we have to suffer through the gym, so does she."

"No clue," I said. "She said that she'd make her way over here when she was done."

Ivy looked like she wanted to say something else, but she just left it as is, and instead made her way back over to the stretching mats and began to do some yoga.

Brad, Grayson and I made our way from the treadmills over to the weight racks to spot each other. Audrey was now over by Ivy again and they looked like they were mind linking each other so as for us to not overhear them.

"Alpha!" I heard a shout. "Alpha!"

Grayson and Brad snapped into Beta and Gamma mode and dropped the weights down on the floor before following behind me to where shouting was from.

Hunter was half supporting Mr. Thomas as he came limping into the gym.

"What is it? What's going on?" I demanded at once. I could feel my wolf trying to push forward and take over.

"I'm sorry Alpha," Mr. Thomas said. "I didn't want to worry you so I didn't mention it the other day, and then when she came over today I figured that I would be able to calm her down."


"Addison," Mr. Thomas said in low voice. "She left. She confided in me that she was scared of being luna and didn't want this life anymore, that she just wanted out. I thought when she came over this morning she was coming to tell me that she had decided to stay and confess her feelings to you, but that wasn't it. She came to tell me that she couldn't face you and to say goodbye for her."

"Goodbye?" I repeated.

"She said that she's leaving and never coming back. That she will reject you under the moon tonight."


What did y'all think?
Ivy doesn't seem to like
Mr. Thomas, do you?

And Addie rejecting Xavier?
How do you think that Mr. Thomas
Is going to manage that?

I love the drama!

Also do y'all like
Mystery books?
Because I have one
In my drafts that
I'm not sure if I
Should publish or not.
Would y'all read it?

Please let me know!

Love, G

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