Chapter 41 First Official Event

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          Today was my first official event with Xavier as Luna of the Midnight Moon Pack. To say that I was nervous was an understatement.

          The event hasn't even started yet and I've already put on like a whole stick of deodorant, but I just keep sweating it off and then having to reapply. I was really regretting wearing long -sleeves right now.

          Today we were revealing the new pack gym that everyone would be able to use and train in, the old one was just too small and had suffered far too many holes in its wall from angry werewolves. And after the whole Mr. Davis thing, Xavier wanted the pack to be training harder and better than before.

          Xavier insisted that this wasn't the main reason for the new gym -- but both Brad and Grayson couldn't hold back their eye-rolls when he said it.

          "You'll do amazing, princess," Xavier repeated for about the millionth time this morning.

          He was dressed smart and casual in a pair of black slacks and a light blue button-up shirt that matched the light blue dress I was wearing. Mrs. Balck had picked out the outfits for us, insisting that we had to match for our first event.

          "And why can't I wear jeans again?" Xavier asked his mom as he took the shirt from her outstretched hands.

          "Because I said no," Mrs. Black left no room for argument.

          I didn't even say a word when I took the dress out of the bag I was handed and goy dressed. I knew that arguing with anyone in the Black family was a lost battle.

          The dress was cute. It was made of soft silk, and came down to just above my knees and flared out fighting. It had long-sleeves that poofed out slightly and then tapered at my wrists. The neckline was square and modest, I assumed as to not accidentally flash anyone -- which I'm sure that I would manage to do with all these nerves coursing through me.

           "What if they laugh? Or what if I fall on my face? Or what if I say the wrong thing and-" Xavier cut off my word vomit with a quick peck on my lips.

          "Addie, it's just a gym opening, it'll mostly just be the elders of the pack that never like to miss anything and all the gym rats that want to try out all the equipment first. Believe me, it'll be nothing to worry about," he reassured me.

          The new gym was built right beside the old gym that was just to the right of the pack house. The old gym was going to be turned into a sort of community pack center for the younger kids to go and hang out. Yes everyone was welcome to hang out at the packhouse, but the old gym would be more for the little kids that didn't want to be around the adults all the time. Not that I blame them, I hated being around my parents when I was little. I thought that they were too lame.

           Also, I was really looking forward to getting to know the kids in the pack better, as the Luna was like a mother to everyone. And even though I wasn't the best with people, kids loved me and I loved them.

           "Just promise me that you'll catch me if I fall," I begged with wide eyes staring up at my mate.

           "Princess I would give my life for you."

           You would think that after Xavier marked me that I would be used to him saying stuff like that, but no. I still made my heart speed up and my cheeks flush bright red.

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