Chapter 37 The Cermoney

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To say that I was nervous was an understatement. I felt like I was going to sweat all my makeup off and fall face first in these heels.

After my mom helped to zip up the back of my dress, she gave me a few words of encouragement.

"You're nervous," my mom pointed out the obvious. "Why?"

"Mom," I said trying to calm my rapid breathing. "I think that it would be worse if I wasn't nervous right now. I mean it's not every day that you have a half-human, half-wolf soulmate who's in charge of a bunch of other half-human, half-wolves that wants you to be also in charge."

"Take a deep breath," my mom chuckled. "Now look at me, Addison."

I slowly met my mom's bright green eyes. She was wearing a light blue dress that had quarter-length sleeves and flared out slightly at her waist. It went all the way down to her ankles and she paired it with a pair of faded white heels she's had for years.

Of course, I helped her pick out the outfit. We spent last night going through my mom's whole wardrobe and I pulled out every dress I thought would be best and made my mom give me a mini fashion show.

          "I was going to wait to give this to you, but," my mom dropped a necklace into my hand. "It's your dad's wedding ring on a chain that used to be mine when I was around your age."

The chain was dainty and delicate, yellow gold that looked freshly polished and shined. And looped on the chain was my dad's wedding ring. It was nothing fancy, just a simple gold band with my parent's wedding date engraved on the inside. I remember him wearing it every single day when I was little, up until her got sick and didn't want to lose it.

"Mom," I whispered, unsure what to say.

"It was one of his last wishes, for you to have it. Granted I was going to wait till your wedding day, but I figured becoming Luna today was good as well."

"I love it," I told her honestly. "Will you help me put it on?"

I didn't wait for an answer, giving my mom the necklace back and turning around, my back to her front. I pulled my hair off the nape of my neck and let my mom lay the necklace just under my collarbones and clasps it tightly.

I dropped my hair, spinning around to face my mom. She looked like she was about to cry and honestly I felt like I was about to cry too. We were both fanning at our eyes, not wanting to mess up our makeup and create a scene. Although I'm sure that we'll both cry later.

"Will you walk me down?" I asked once I finally didn't feel tears threatening to spill over from my eyes.

My mom grabbed my outstretched hand tightly in hers, giving it three quick squeezes before we started our walk to the ceremony that was taking place just outside.

Xavier told me that it was tradition for the ceremony to take place outside. He said that a small stage would be set up where everyone would watch me get sworn in.

He said that because I'm human there's a high chance that I'll faint after he marks me, so we're going to do that after the ceremony, later tonight. I didn't want to pass out in the middle of all of this, especially with how good I looked.

          It was a beautiful day. It wasn't too warm, but it also wasn't freezing either. The sun was shining as we made our way outside. I could smell the mouth-watering aroma of all the food cooking as we walked past the kitchen, and was half tempted to ditch everything and just go eat.

          ". . . My son Xavier, your future alpha of The Midnight Pack, has finally found his mate and today we are all gathered here to celebrate him and her becoming our alpha and luna!" Tom's voice was booming across the whole field as he spoke.

          Tom and Kathy were both standing side by side on the stage, Cecelia on the other side of her dad, and Hunter closely behind her. They were all beaming, large smiles on their faces.

          But all I really cared about was Xavier. He was standing off to the far left, obviously waiting for me to join him. He looked absolutely breathtaking. He was wearing a perfectly fitted, black suit, the top two buttons of his white shirt were popped open and I swear that I was drooling on the inside.

          Xavier's hair, insisted of the usual messy look, was nicely combed down and styled. He was wearing a few large, gold rings on his hands, and a pair of black shoes.

           "You've got this," my mom quietly whispered into my ear before letting me go and walk up onto the stage.

            "Now please welcome my son Xavier Black and his mate Addison Avery!" The audience broke out into loud applause and some people even whistled.

          Before I could even think, Xavier wrapped my hand around his elbow and escorted us over to his parents.

            Xavier's parents were standing a few feet back from the microphone, a small wooden table with a golden bowl and knife resting on it.

           "Today Xavier and Addison will both be forever bonded to the pack," Tom announced.

          Xavier and I were standing on opposite sides of the small table, his dad and mom in between us. I could feel Cecelia and Hunter standing a few feet behind me, watching intensely.

           Kathy lightly grabbed my hand, flipping it so my palm was facing upwards, Tom doing the same thing with his son's hand.

            Tom pressed the blade of the knife against Xavier's hand, before moving on and cutting an identical small line on my palm. He handed the blade over to his wife and flipped both of our hands over so our blood trickled into the golden bowl.

           I could feel my heart racing in my chest, if I didn't know any better and just saw this with no context, then I would think that it was a cult thing. I mean, it still felt very cult-like, but at least this wasn't the Manson Family.

          "Let this bowl represent the pack that you are both now Alpha and Luna of. That you have both vowed to look after to the best of your powers," Tom went on and on about the tradition we were following.

          I quickly glanced over at the crowd to see all our best friends in the very front row, my mom was crying and it looked like Brad was too.

           I was quickly drawn back when I felt Kathy wrap a cloth around my palm where I was cut. I glanced over to see Xavier having an identical cloth tied over his hand too.

          "Ladies and gentlemen of The Midnight Moon Pack!" Tom called out happily as Xavier grabbed my non-cut hand and pulled me into his side. "I present to you your Alpha and Luna!"

          My heart was full and soaring.

hello lovelies!
We just hit 300
Followers and over
115k reads!!
I'm still having trouble
Wrapping my head
Around this.
I never thought
Y'all would be
This supportive.

Next chapter will be
the after party
And then the marking.
Or would y'all prefer
No after party chapter
And just skip straight
To Xavier making Addie?
Let me know 🥰

Until next time!


The Alpha's Human MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora