Chapter 35

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  "Excuse me?!" I growl, eyes narrowed and anger rising by the second. This she wolf doesn't have any reason to treat Vincent with such disrespect. "What did you say?"

Bruce hurries to Mia's side and gently warns her. But, she doesn't stop.

"We are naturally born enemies, Alpha Ronnie," Mia snapped while barring her teeth at Vincent. "He does not belong here. Someone such as you should know that."

This time I growl. I stand in front of my mate as my wolf surfaces and crouch protectively.

Vincent silently placed his hands on my shoulders from behind and breathes, "It's okay, Ellie."

"No, Vince, it's not," I interrupt, shrugging off his hands and walk to the middle of the field. "It is not okay, you are part of this pack and you deserve respect."

"I feel bad for you then. You know, having a bloodsucker as your mate." Lightning striked the earth as thunder rumbled in the darkened sky. A storm is the perfect thing to compared to what I'm feeling as each hateful word leaves Mia's mouth.

If she were anyone else I would have torn her to pieces. But, this isn't just anyone – she's one of my most trusted, loyal, and loved ones mate; Bruce's.

"This is not your territory!"

"You disrespect our Alpha, you disrespect us!"

"If we have learned to live with them, then so can you!"

"Our Alpha knows what's best for this pack. You are no one to speak."

Roxy, Ava, Sam, and Seth yelled over all the growling and howls of fury. The rest of my friends and people shared their own thoughts. It amazes me how I ever ended up with a pack like mine.

Bruce growled. The threat I made was real even though he knows his mate is stepping out of line. That's how mates are; even if they're in the wrong their mates will always protect them.

"No Mia! Stop!" It's already too late. With a growl she lunges at Vincent, zeroing in on his throat to, no doubt, try and end his life.

As fast as I've ever transformed, I attack Mia with a viscous snarl and toss her to the floor. My snarl was anything but human and that alone made some flinch. Everything about me heightened, sense of smell; sight; hearing; and taste as my blue and red wolf stood tall and powerful, ready to defend when needed.

"Mia just stop, you're going to get hurt," Bruce pleads desperately, nudging her shoulder from where she's slumped on the ground. G he glances my way.

"You don't believe in me!" Mia counters angrily. She never gave Bruce a chance to explain himself, and jumped for Vince again.

Snarling, I run forward and take her hind leg into my mouth, successfully throwing her off balance but she doesn't fall. Mia turns round and goes in for a bite to the throat but I'm quick to dodge and lash out, and she receives a gash on the shoulder.

For a she wolf, Mia is pretty big, not bigger than me, but bigger than most.

"You will not dare attack my mate, my Beloved. He is the Alpha Male of this pack and you will suffer the consequences if need be!" I was highly aware of rain pouring down on us like it could feel our rage, but it did nothing to cool me.

We get on our back legs and attack chest to chest as we bite, claw, and rip into each others flesh with anger. In spite of being a good fighter she was the only one who was on the other end of the blows we shot out.

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