Grand Central Station

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Mumbling. It would be the exact thing Ayana would've heard if she stayed at the zoo. Dreamy, calmed mumbling. As if someone were whispering nearby.

"Come on, now, baby." The mumbling continued. "My little filet. My little filet mignon with a little fat around the edges. I like that. I like a little fat on my steak. My sweet, juicy steak. You are a rare delicacy." Ayana would've smirked at the sight of Alex sucking his thumb from his delectable dream. He seemed calm and peaceful. It was a total difference from his boisterous behavior on most days.

"Hey, Alex. Psst," Melman whispered, his long neck stooped down into the depths of the lion's den. "Alex. Alex. Alex!"

"What? What?" Alex woke up and pulled his thumb out in the process.

Melman recoiled. "You suck your thumb?"

The lion sighed and hid his hand.

"What is it, Melman?"

"Okay, okay. Woah. You know how I have that bladder infection -" he looked around quickly as if someone were around to hear. "- and I have to get up every two hours? Well, I got up to pee, um, and looked over at Marty's pen, which you know I usually don't do. I don't know why, but I did. And this time I looked over and-" Melman rambled, never pausing to take a breath until the lion cut him off.

"What, Melman? What's going on?"

"It's Marty and Ayana...they're gone!" The giraffe finally said with worried eyes.

"Gone?!" The lion bumps his head on the concrete of his pen roof. "What do you mean, 'gone'?"

The giraffe had led him to his pen, specifically a small hole in the ground.

"How long has he been working on this?" Melman asked, sticking his snout into the hole that the penguins had made earlier.

"Marty! Ayana!" He shouted gently.

"They wouldn't fit down there," Gloria remarks, dripping water in the ground from her rushed exit from her pool.

"Marty? Ayana? Guys! Guys!" Alex asks an empty bed, a blur of gold and brown under the rain of his shoveling of brown straw from the hay bed. The flurry of brown fluttered over Alex's head like feathers and settled back down as if they were undisturbed.

Gloria sighed anxiously and put a hand on her head while Melman stuck his snout inside the hole in the ground once more."This doesn't make any sense! Where would they go?!" She asked herself.

Alex lets out a shaky breath and thought for a second and it hit him. He placed his paws on his head, covering the half top of his name screaming out the answer:


Gloria's eyes widened in disbelief. "They wouldn't."

"Oh, no!" Melman gasped, looking back and forth between the mammals frantically, feeling like he would have a heart attack. "What are we going to do? We gotta-- we gotta-- I mean, we gotta-- we gotta-- we gotta call somebody!"

Alex raced to the nearest phone and punched in three numbers before yelling into the phone.

"Hello?! Get me some Missing Animals! And hurry. We've got a lost zebra, and leopard probably on the way to Connecticut by now, and we're gonna need..."

The two other animals had their jaws dropped and looked at him with eyes of dread. The dispatcher on the other side of the line, however, was a man, and he only heard the roars of an animal, he looked at his headset, confused.

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