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I have lived in the city for six years now. I try to change my daily routine to mix it up a bit, but one thing always remains the same. I always get an iced coffee every morning in the small cafe on my way to work.

I pull on my coat, grab my phone, wallet and keys, lock the door and head out the building. I live in a private apartment complex.

I usually see the high schoolers walk by and I just wonder to myself why they get up this early?

I sometimes see other people walk by but only rarely. The building is usually more lively once I get back. I greet the high schoolers and they greet back and try to keep conversation but I'm already out the door.

I walk to the cafe and open the door. The bell sounds to signal that I am there. It's a cute place that is more popular for photos but the menu is pretty good.

"Good morning" the guy at the front says.
"Morning. Can I get an iced coffee?" I ask as I am the only one there.

"Coming right up" he says as he gets started on my drink. It seems like he already has some things ready for my drink. He hands me my drink and I pay.

"Thank you" I say as I head out.
"Please come again" he says.
"You know I will" I say as I open the door, the bell rings and I'm off.

I walk straight to my company's building.
"Good morning. You know, we can just get you your drink" the person at the front says as I walk in.

"Nah, it's all good" I say as I sip on my drink. I walk to the elevator. The elevator immediately dings open and I climb in.
"So, how's Friday night looking for you?" he asks again.
"Same answer I told you yesterday, I'm busy" I say as I hold my key card to the sensor and press a floor's level.

"Then how 'bout Saturday?" He asks.
"I'll get back to you" I say as the elevator doors close. I see he does a victory pose before the doors close. I just laugh at his behavior.

I wait for the doors to open and when it finally does, I walk down the long hall, the opposite side is where the receptionist is, to reach the entrance to the right.
"Morning" I say. She looks up from her work and realizes that I'm there.

"Good morning mam" she says. She is still quite new at her job.
"So, what are you doing today?" I ask gently to ease the poor girl of her nerves.

"I need to sort all this stuff out" she says as she plops back in her seat with a sigh.
"Keep at it, you're doing great" I say as I pat her shoulder and walk to the entrance.
"T-thank you mam!" She says with more energetic and determined voice.

I walk in to the workplace to see only a few people actually here. It is still a bit early for the others.

"Morning" I announce as I walk to my personal office.
"Good morning" they others return the greeting as I pass by them.

I enter my office and immediately start working. This room is sound proof, to cancel out the noise of the other employees. I connect my earphones to my phone and plug it into my ears. I start playing my music as I work. I can easily work with music and still do my job well.

After some time, I let out a yawn and stretch a little bit. I hear a faint sound outside. I plug out my earphones to hear a knocking at my door.

"Come in" I announce as I see the door swing open. In comes Namjoon with a dimpled smile on his face.

"Oh Namjoon. What's up?" I say as I stretch a bit.
"Nothing much" he says as he plops down on the couch in my office.

"Hey! Don't fall asleep in here" I scold as I get up and walk to him. I pull him up straight. He and I are on friendly terms. We don't talk much outside of work but he casually interacted with me at first and I just got used to it.

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