47 ★ Lonesome loser

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𝕃𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕣 - 𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕕

"He doesn't show what goes on in his head

But if you watch very close

You'll see it all"

Cedric POV

My mate clutches at my arm, staring around the pack with wide eyes. Klepto is on her other side, elbows linked together, and I'm glad for it. The werewolf female is very supportive of Hendrix. A good friend. I like her much better than Miranda and Stacey, and I'm glad I refused to let them join us for the tour. I claimed it was because I didn't want too many people with us, but it was mostly because I still have a hard time approving of them despite my best effort.

I've been ridiculously busy in the office with work I've had to catch up on, but mostly trying to get into contact with the CPO, who has promptly been ignoring me. We've even gone so far as to say we have their half dead agent in our cells, but they don't care. They left Jamison to die.

I've been at my witt's end with their negligence. Savannah offered to take over, trying to go through the Guard to figure out what we need to do to take them down.

I gladly took her up on the opportunity. I want to spend the day with my mate instead of sending someone to watch over her like I've been doing. I can tell it's getting to her, treating her like a helpless child. I can't help it. She is helpless. She just doesn't need to know that.

As we stroll through the vast green fields, I steal glances at her, wondering how on earth I got so lucky.

Her hair is down in tumbles of brown ringlets and rumpled waves. Her face lights up when I introduce her to any member of the pack. From the blacksmith to the pack cook, she's happy to meet them. She shakes hands and beams when they call her Luna. She is absolutely perfect for the role.

She's so soft where as I'm hard, so compassionate and motherly while I'm prone to assuming the worst in people. It evens out, our opposites, and I wouldn't have it any other way. We'll lead this pack together in harmony.

"This is where Ezra and I live." Klepto says with a smile, waving an arm at their little house. Hendrix nods, admiring the building.

"And you both raise your little brothers, right?" She wonders, subconsciously putting a hand on her stomach at the mention of kids. Klepto gushes over her siblings, and how precious they are to her, telling stories as we walk through the woods back towards the cafeteria for lunch.

I think long and hard while I tune them out. Hendrix is eager to talk about children, excited for our baby to finally arrive. It could be any day now. We have no idea how long a human lycan pregnancy gestation is. I warily eye her rounded body.

After we made up, Hendrix moved into my room with me, and I was relieved. She hasn't stopped making me pay for leaving her. Her lack of trust is enough to break my heart. But once she was in my bed, I felt every roll and kick that our pup forces on my mate's poor body. The pup is already strong.

I have a feeling that I have no idea how much pain she's going through. I told her I would give her as many pups as her heart desires, but I don't know if I'll want to put her through this again, no matter how much we love our pup when we hold it in our arms.

It's pure torture plain and simple. I have to watch her suffer, knowing it's because of me. I try to bear it, try to get through it, and pretend like nothing's wrong. As messed up as it is, I almost hold the baby responsible, an innocent fetus. I know it's deplorable, but how can I not be angry at something that's hurting my mate, even if it is my own child?

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