27 ★ Little valentine

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𝕄𝕪 𝔽𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕪 𝕍𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖 - ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕥 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕣

"Don't change your hair for me,

not if you care for me

Stay, little valentine, stay

Each day is Valentine's Day"

Hendrix POV

    Cedric's hands are so warm on my hips, and I can't help but lean back into his chest a little bit. I haphazardly crack the eggs into the bowl, tossing the shells into the garbage disposal. I insisted on whipping up some brownies for him. He's way too kind letting me stay here again, I need to make something for him.

     He even let me play some music on a speaker he has in living room. I chose to put on some Chet Baker, obviously trying to set a certain mood. It's romantic music after all. Maybe tonight he'll finally cave in.

     "I knew you liked old music, but I didn't know you liked music this old." He sounds amused behind me, obviously watching what I'm doing from where he stands over my shoulder. He's so tall he can probably see every little move.

     "I like a lot of music. What, you don't like oldies?" I ask, whisking the wet ingredients together until their bubbling and frothy, the egg yolks turning it a perfect gold color. I can feel Cedric chuckle behind me.

     His fingers tighten on my hips, and suddenly it's harder for me to concentrate on what I'm doing.

     "Oh, I love oldies. They don't make music like they used to." He admits, and I laugh, adding the chocolate mixture into the bowl, and mixing. I busy myself with spraying down the pan with butter. I hope I don't make any mistakes, I can't stop thinking about his hands on me. They almost burn.

      "That sounds like something you would say." I say, pouring my brownie batter into the pan. He lets go. I immediately miss the contact. Cedric shakes his head, casually leaning against the kitchen cabinets now.

     "What's that supposed to mean?" He wonders, and I hide my giggle while I pop the brownies into the hot oven.

      I don't answer him, and I can tell that drives him absolutely crazy.

      He grabs me by the waist, and I burst out into laughter. He pulls me towards him with a wicked grin, and I know could spend a thousand years just like this, I just wish I had that much time.

      The song changes, and it's one of my favorites. I Get Along Without You Very Well. Chet Baker's voice is so beautiful I can hardly keep myself from swaying a little bit. Despite the sad lyrics, it holds a romantic feeling.

     Cedric turns me around, putting his hands around my waist, resting his palms on my back. It makes me realize just how perfect the atmosphere is for slow dancing. The light in the kitchen is dim, the kitchen warm from the oven heat. Not to mention that the music is just right.

     I put my arms around him, resting my head on his chest and sighing. My feet are bare, the tips of toes brushing against his boots on the wooden floor.

     It's a picture perfect moment just to ourselves.

     The music is soft and gentle, just like Cedric as he leads me across the floor. I feel like I'm in the 1940's and I'm his little wife who cooks for him, and he's just come home from a long day at work. It's a silly idea, but I kind of love it.

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