53 ★ Endless song

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𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝔾𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕤 - 𝕃𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕙𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕟

"I don't feel it till it hurts sometimes

Oh, go on, baby, hurt me tonight

I want ours to be an endless song

Baby, in my eyes you do no wrong"

Cedric POV

When we get back to our room, I can tell Hendrix is beyond exhausted. I spy her distended stomach, knowing she'll pop any day. Watching her waddle around is adorable, and helping her is my life's purpose. I just want her to be done already.

I take off my watch, undo my cufflinks, all the while watching her from the mirror above the sink as she slowly sits on the edge of the bed.

She's glowing from the pregnancy, but's she's also worn out. She won't admit it, she never does, but I can see her tired eyes. The way she talks about the baby, and the pregnancy, anyone can tell that she's ready for all of this to be over, and I don't blame her. We're both excited to meet our pup. We're both ready for her to be back to normal. Seeing her in pain, it kills me. I put her through this.

I try to ignore it of course, because that's what Hendrix does, so I consider the fact that she might want to pretend like it's not a big deal. She acts like nothing is wrong at all. I don't know how much longer I can take this though, I want the baby out so my sweet mate can rest after all this time of stress both on her mind and body.

It's all I've thought about most of the day. Through the whole two meetings about what the hell we're supposed to do about this mess, I thought of Hendrix. It was hard not to, she's the meaning of my life, and she's been the topic of a lot of the conversations I had.

Everything leads back to her, as it should. She's my Queen, my Luna, the Mother of my child, my mate. My everything. My world revolves around her.

I slowly get undressed, watching her out of the corner of my eye.

She lays down on the bed, settling on her side while she's still fully clothed in her dress. She sighs in relief, closing her eyes and messaging her side that probably aches. It's hard enough for a woman to go through pregnancy, let alone a human woman going through a lycan pregnancy.

Once I'm in my boxers, I head over to where she peacefully lays. I sit beside her and brush the curls off of her neck carefully. Her brown eyes flutter open, and she sighs yet again. A small smile finds its place on her full, pink lips. One look from her and I know I'm home.

"Hey, baby." I say, not being able to resist the urge to cup her face in the palm of my hand. Hendrix snuggles into me, but doesn't say anything. Her eyes close, and her muscles relax. "What's wrong?"

Her dark gaze finds me again, and this time it's filled with surprise. She's always shocked by the mate bond. It shouldn't be so shocking that I can tell when she's upset.

"I can tell you're sad about something. Help me out. What's bothering you?" I press, only to watch her bite the side of her lip and try to sit up. I aid her, grabbing an elbow and propping her up on a stack of pillows.

She shifts uneasily, but I grab her hand, coaxing her to say literally anything that could cause the slightest inconvenience to her.

"I was thinking... about Keifer." My human relents, and I'm surprised, but it doesn't take long for me to understand.

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