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Cyrus' POV

Lucifer tugged the earbuds out, making a disgusted expression.

I leaned in expectantly. "So...? Now do you understand why people what to know if you play the fiddle?"

Lucifer scoffed. "I understand the reference now, yes. But that was a terrible song."

I gaped and absorbed Lucifer's horrible opinion in a stunned silence. When I was finally capable of making sound, I gasped out, "You really are Satan."

"He's just mad that he loses the fiddling battle against Johnny," Nina grumbled.

Lucifer looked at Nina like he always did; like she was a bully, and he was a kid getting his head stuck in a toilet for no reason.

"So if you're trying to date our mom," I began, making Satan grimace in fear of what I was about to say, "when do we get to meet your dad? Shouldn't we know what your family's like before you date Mom?"

Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Blasted God-worshippers always trying to get to him. I refuse to pimp out my father to soothe your Christian morals."

"Mom!" Nina screamed. "Lucifer won't pimp out his dad!"

Mom poked her head into the dining room. "Enough screaming. Did you set the table or what?"

Mom and Lucifer were trying to act so smooth. They had separated and come up with the worst reasons: Theo should help Mom in the kitchen because he had fire abilities, and Lucifer should help us with the table for who even knows why.

They were attempting family bonding.

Theo appeared, looking demoralized, with his hands a warm red color where they rested under the pot roast.

Lucifer grinned. "See, son? I told you not to be down on yourself because you can only light yourself on fire. There are good uses for it!"

Theo glared. "I will learn other magic as soon as I possibly can, because of this very moment."

Mom seemed delighted by the whole thing. "It was supposed to slow cook for six hours, but Theo has it cooked in thirty minutes! Isn't that amazing?"

I propped my head on my fist and grinned. "He's so useful."

I wasn't quite old enough to develop my demon powers, but just the other day I got super mad at Nina and a lightbulb in the room shattered. Theo pouted for the rest of the day when I told him about it.

Theo glowered at me, confirming my thoughts. "One lightbulb doesn't give you telepathy."

"But at eighteen!" Lucifer exclaimed. "He very well might develop telepathy before twenty, wouldn't that be miraculous? You are going to be a very powerful demon, Cyrus. My little candle boy will be very proud of you when the time comes."

Theo's whole body twitched. "Someday I will learn to light other things on fire and you will be my first target, Father."

Mom dropped her hands on his shoulders and kissed the back of his head. Theo blushed. "Enough talk about patricide," she scolded lightly. "Put the pot roast in the middle and I'll grab all the sides from the kitchen."

Once we all dug in, Lucifer made a pleased noise. "Yes, this is almost as good as innocent blood! You were right, Sofia."

"We should have the rest of your children over!" Mom exclaimed. "So they can all taste how good things besides innocent blood are."

Theo and Lucifer exchanged and look and a grimace.

"...Maybe at some point," Lucifer said as if it caused him physical pain. "Well, you've met Empusa. Jerome knows how to be polite when the time comes for it. Belial you can meet certainly. He is...what is the word for it in your realm? ...A book worm? Ah, a nerd?"

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