Chapter Twenty-Six

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Theo's POV

Grandfather was a handsome deity, and he looked very similar to my father. They both had black hair, although Grandfather's was long and wavy in the way that was more traditional. He had tanned skin, a dark beard, brown eyes, and a smile that was always kind.

He was exactly as I last saw him. Kind and warm.

Father glared at me the second I walked in. "I see you sent your grandfather a message. Why don't you know when to quit?"

I crossed my arms and prepared for the worst. "Because I'm in love, Father. I can't stop thinking about him. I need to be by his side."

Grandfather raised his hands a little and smiled at us both. "Please don't argue. I would like to hear your side of the story, Theo, to come to a decision. I have to say, as tempting as it is to prevent you from going to the mortal realm, I will feel quite guilty if you have fallen in love."

There was a chance! I smiled and my grandfather smiled back at me; Father sulked a little in the corner.

"Thank you for hearing me out," I said to my grandfather.

He smiled with true affection. "How did this all begin? Please, tell me everything."

I gritted my teeth and mumbled, "Well, it began when I had sexual relations with one of my father's generals." I ignored the look of my grandfather, which was slightly exasperated. He was a hippie who thought sex should only happen when people were in love. "Thus revealing to my father the truth about, romantic inclinations."

God just nodded along, like he wasn't shocked. Which was funny, because the first thing my father had said when he found out was, Your grandfather would be appalled!

"He didn't initially react positively, so I left to the mortal realm in anger." It sounded childish, retelling it. "It was there that I met Cyrus, who took me into his home and taught me the way of humans. He was kind to me. I met his friends and family; became a part of his family, even. And I fell in love with him."

Grandfather hummed and looked thoughtful. "Convincing enough. Are you sure it's love? We would be putting a lot at risk allowing you to travel freely between realms without punishment. It would be unfortunate if this human betrayed you and spoke freely of Hell with others."

"He's half-demon anyway," I added, as if that mattered. "I don't think he has any particular interest in advertising that. Besides, I'm certain it is love. When I'm in a room, he is the only person I'm focused on. When I'm with him, I feel unreasonably happy. I think about him constantly."

Lucifer hummed and looked at God. "The boy's in love. When given the option to have Cyrus here, where they would likely be together forever, he turned it down in favor of the human boy's own happiness."

That made God smile a little. "I have to say, I don't see a problem here. The boy is half-demon. Tell him that he is being held responsible to abide by the laws of Hell, which will be motivation enough to act responsibly with the information he has."

I leaned in, unable to damper my own excitement. "And may I visit him? Father sees no issue; he told me that you would be the one to be opposed."

Lucifer rolled his eyes a little at my reveal.

"Well, that would typically be the case," Grandfather stated. "However, the boy is half-demon. He is entitled to life in the mortal realm, but it would only be responsible to give him a guide, to help him once his magic begins to develop."

Lucifer's eyebrows rose. "That would be smart. I suppose that's a good enough story as any when our citizens get angry about the Prince's special privileges."

"Without Theo there to monitor the boy," God said with a grin, "his magic may get out of hand, which could reveal the existence of our world. Yes, it is best to have Theo watch over him."

I was smiling stupidly, heart beating fast. I had never in my life felt such joy. "Thank you! I promise Cyrus' magic will never get out of hand. I'll do my job diligently."

Lucifer glared. "Not too diligently, understood? Behave yourself. And you may only be there in the day, at night your powers are too strong."

My dad was trying to cockblock me.

We weren't vampires. The night didn't suddenly make us powerful.

"And no more frivolous sex," said God, who had less subtlety than Father. "It's bad for your health."

I nodded rapidly. "I promise I won't! And may Cyrus come down here occasionally? I would like him to meet Abiah."

Lucifer nodded. "As he is half-demon, he is entitled to Hell citizenship. The matters of where he will be placed after death will be settled between myself and your grandfather when the time comes. Are you happy, son?"

I couldn't stop smiling. "Yes, Father. Thank you."

Lucifer looked a little relieved. "Good. The two of us will visit the family to explain the new rules. I want to be very clear to Cyrus that he now has duel-citizenship and will need to abide by our laws even in the mortal realm."

Grandfather opened his arms and I was confused for a minute, before I remembered that hugging was a part of the culture in Heaven. I awkwardly hugged him, grateful to have practice from Cyrus.

"Thank you," I sighed.

Grandfather ruffled my hair. "I'm just happy my little grandson is in love. There are a lot of rumors that you're secretly a robot."

God disappeared before I could protest.


Chapter one of the Puppy Love sequel is up!

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