Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Cyrus' POV

In a blaze of fire, Theo appeared in the kitchen.

My relief stole the air from my lungs in a strangled gasp. I launched myself at him and he smiled, actually smiled, and caught me up in a passionate kiss.

All of my romantic fantasies were destroyed by Satan's throat-clearing. "Remember what your grandfather said about frivolous sex, Theo?"

Theo grimaced and pulled away a little. "My father will leave eventually," he whispered. "We have some good news. And the issue of a half-demon in the mortal realm finally has a solution."

Lucifer straightened. "Is your mother around?" he asked. This guy was not a smooth operator. "This is a family conversation."

Footsteps on the stairs revealed Nina, who stopped at the sight of Lucifer and groaned, rolling her eyes so far back into her head I was shocked they didn't get stuck there. "He's seriously back already? Dude, leave our mom alone. ...Oh, hey weirdo. Missed you."

Theo waved a little, staring at his hand like he was concentrating really hard to get it right. Of course Hell didn't have waving. Just like it didn't have hugging or refrigerators. Or dogs.

Lucifer gave Theo a fleeting betrayed look, and then focused on Nina. "Small human," he declared, making it sound almost regal. "Where is your mother? I would enjoy her presence in this conversation."

Nina pulled out her phone and started scrolling through something. "I'll bet you would. Let me text mom—"

"No need!" Mom said, coming down with her hair up in a towel and in matching pajamas. "I heard you, I just had to get dressed."

Except for the first time ever, Lucifer wasn't drooling over Mom. Lucifer was boggled by Nina's cell phone. "Now what is that device? I try to keep up on human technology, but I admit I have not been paying attention to the past decade or two."

My bratty youngest sister gave the ruler of hell a very scathing and judgmental look in the way that only a 14-year-old girl could. "It's a phone, Boomer. You can communicate with people anywhere."

Lucifer's eyes lit up and he looked at Theo. "You should have one of those, so I can contact you the next time you decide to run off."

Theo looked away sullenly. "I would toss it into a river."

Lucifer's shoulders slumped and he sent my mom a defeated look. "I have raised many children before him and still have yet to figure out what to do with them when they are in this stage. You must have good advice, yours is very passive."

"Cyrus has always been a good boy. And really, Theo is sweet."

Great, now they were sending each other goo-goo eyes over parenting advice.

While they were distracted, I figured I would pay a little bit more attention to the boyfriend I thought I'd lost forever. I wrapped my arms around him and let my head drop to his shoulder.

"I missed you, Thee," I sighed.

He kissed my forehead. "I missed you too, my human."

Lucifer tossed his head back and groaned. "It has not even been 24 hours yet."

Lucifer was just a hater.

"So what brings you here?" Mom asked, and was she seriously blushing?

"Before we get to that." Lucifer shifted a little under her stare and popped a bottle of wine into existence to sheepishly hand to her. "It's customary in both the mortal realm and Hell to bring something for your hosts, and I do feel that I have been making myself a guest in your home quite a bit recently."

And the look that appeared on my mom's face? Yeah, Lucifer was maybe a smooth operator.

"That's very generous of you, Lucifer," she said, slightly amazed, as if she didn't believe he had a capacity for generosity.

"And maybe, after this brief meeting, we can sit down so that I may apologize for suggesting that I wanted to murder you and your son," he tacked on.

"Father," Theo growled. "This is my love story, not yours. Can we please get to the part where you announce to the West family that I may freely come and go as I please? And that Cyrus is allowed to visit hell whenever he would like to?"

Lucifer grinned. "Consider it announced! Now, Sofia, about the wine..."

Me, Theo, and Nina all shared an irritated expression. It was a great moment of bonding between the children of two obviously very flirtatious adults.

Mom, to my horror, grabbed wine glasses and invited him to the living room. Lucifer followed, blushing a little and looking surprised.

"Ugh," Nina rolled her eyes. "I hate adults. They're always so horny. Actually, speaking of..." she gave us side eye. "I'll leave you losers alone."

I barely waited until she was gone before wrapping myself around Theo. I buried my face in his shoulder and pretended like my breathing wasn't coming so fast I was worried I was having an asthma attack.

"I thought I'd never see you again," I mumbled into his shirt. Nice of him, to wear clothes for me. "It kind of hit me that I would have no way of ever contacting you, if you stayed in Hell."

Theo wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. "I would never leave you, my sweet human. I would have run away again, if it came to it. But now we are free to see each other whenever we'd like."

"Satan said I could go to Hell when I wanted?" I asked, looking up at my hot as hell boyfriend. "How do I do that?"

Theo grinned. "Well, lucky for you, my human, I painted a celestial portal onto your bedroom wall. I'll show you how to use it."

I grabbed his hand and we started up the stairs.

"Door stays open!" Mom and Lucifer yelled.

Theo and I rolled our eyes. "They're basically perfect for each other," I muttered darkly, hating that I had to admit it.

Theo grimaced. "Please don't say that any louder; my father might hear you and get encouraged."

We both collapsed on my bed and I was suddenly assaulted with nerves. "Theo, I have something I need to tell you."


Guys there's only one chapter left! I feel like I first uploaded this story yesterday...

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