
I glanced up from the stack of notes around me, glad to see I wasn't the only other student sat in the middle of the hallway studying.

"Unfortunately. Library's maxed out, couldn't find a single seat," I told Tommo, who unhooked his bag and dropped down beside me. Rolling his shoulders he practically becoming a sweatshirt wearing puddle as he all but melted against the lockers behind him with a relieved hum.

"Long day?"

"Long day, long weekend, long everything," He grunted, batting my hands away when I jabbed at his side.

"Just checking it's really you and that you haven't been replaced with a low-energy robot," I chuckled, raising my hand in mock surrender after he threatened to flick me in the forehead.

"Where's the third amigo?" He asked once he was sure I had no sneak attacks left in me, glancing over at my empty side.

I rolled my eyes. "I have no idea where Spencer is."

"Who said I was talking about Spencer?" He smirked, strumming his fingers along his knee as he threw me a smug look.

"I have no other friends, Tommo."

Shaking his head, Tommo weaseled my Biology textbook from my hands, flicking through the highlighted pages with a low whistle. "You absorb any of this?"

"Not a word, which is why I'm screwed," I huffed, running a hand through my hair as Tommo skimmed the Glossary section with mild interest. "It's my first exam and  I am not at all prepared."

"I've never been prepared but look, I'm yet to flunk out. Plus I've seen your grades dude, whether you want to gloat like the rest of us or not, we all know you're a shining star and will do fine." Clark's voice greeted us before the rest of him did. Dressed in a honey-colored sweater I knew my Mom gave him for Christmas last year I fought to keep my expression neutral, not wanting to drag Tommo further into our shit. A tattered copy of Tokyo Ghoul dangled from his fingers, unsurprising as I knew the that day Clark voluntarily studied was something that would never occur in my lifetime. Even during exam season.

"You and Tommo can afford to fail, athletics have your back," I said, taking my textbook back from Tommo as Clark crouched in front of us, glancing at the linoleum floor with brown eyes full of distain.

"I'm not chilling in a hallway. Come on, the guys have a table saved in the cafeteria, you can cram there," Clark nodded down the hall and got back up. I waited until Tommo was on his feet, shoved the textbook under my arm, and followed them toward the cafeteria.

"Might be a good idea to grab something to eat. Not sure I can make it through another period on empty," I frowned, running a hand along my hollow stomach.

"I think Jess said they're doing pizza today," Clark mused, warping the manga in his hand as he shouldered the door open. I caught it just it swung back in my face, holding the door open for Tommo. As expected the cafeteria was packed, tables stacked filled with books rather than food and plastic wrap. I could barely make out a plastic tray among the spread sheets of paper and multi-colored highlighters. 

Pawning off my textbook onto Tommo again, I watched him and Clark make their way to the table then got in line. I grabbed a tray, tapping it lightly against my leg as the line moved slowly, zoning out as I tried to remember all the information I'd been cramming. Clark was right, pizza was on the menu and I took a couple of slices alongside a suspect looking fruit cup. Casting a look at the vending machine in the corner I considered joining the herd of other over-caffeinated students high on energy drinks but decided against it. My handwriting already sucked, I didn't need to make my notes worse by constantly shaking.

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