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"I can't say I'm too surprised. You've always been an easy read," Tommo admitted, spreading his legs out on the ground now that I had finally loosened my grip. Spending a good chunk of my Friday night crying into the guy's chest had not been my plan, but something inside of me had broken down and needed to vent to someone. "I thought we'd be in college before you admitted it if I'm being honest."

"Fuck you, how did I make it obvious?"

"The weird sexual energy between you and Clark," he ticked off. "Quitting the swim team after Derek Martin asked you out–"

"He didn't ask me out," I shoved Tommo's shoulder, the guy sending me a disbelieving look. "And I didn't quit for him, I quit because I sucked and no longer needed the extra credit."

"He practically propositioned you in the changing rooms. Asking if you wanted to study biology at his place... on a Friday night. How clueless are you?"

"Apparently very clueless if you managed to pick up on the fact I was gay before I did."

"And what did you think your feelings for Clark were then?" he asked, expression open and I sighed, shrugging.

"I just thought I was in love with my best friend. I only realized I was actually gay a little while ago," I admitted and the chill that ran down my spine finally saying those words out loud, for the third time that night, still hadn't gone away.

"When you guys kissed?"

I blinked up at Tommo, surprised. "How do you know that?"

"Moody Clark is chatty, I don't think he even realized the slip-up," Tommo said, resting back on his palms.

"You're cool with this?"

Casting me a side-eyed glare Tommo nodded. "I wouldn't have stayed friends with you all these years if I weren't."

"Was it really that obvious? Why did no one say anything?"

Another look. "Everyone said something, you just never pay attention. Plus people are scared of you, believe it or not. If not for Thomas, then for the fact you're kind of fucking crazy."

"Gee, thanks,"

"Only you would blindly follow someone to the point of breaking into a teachers house," Tommo remarked and I flushed. "That is some lower tier Manson kind of worship."

"Fuck off," I laughed, shoving Tommo hard enough to list him over and onto the concrete.

"People asked me a lot what the deal was with you," Tommo said, fidgeting slightly.


"Girls were really into you sophomore year. I couldn't go a day in the hall without people stopping me and asking if you were single, or why you weren't dating. I lied that there was a girl at another school you liked, or you were focused on classes."

"Thanks, man," I said, never realizing how much Tommo had stuck up for me. "I used to get asked the same shit about you."

"I know," Tommo smirked.

"Okay, we get it. You know you're hot."

"Am I?"

"I'm not feeding your ego," I said, hugging my knees and resting my chin on top of them. "Apparently I have a type."

"And that is?"

"Guys with girlfriends," I groaned, dropping my forehead down and Tommo laughed.

"That is a little problematic."

"Very problematic," I mumbled back.

"You know Clark will never admit that he likes you back, right?" Tommo added, concerned.

Prince Charmings (BOOK ONE)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα