"I know Bella said this was a food-free set, but I snuck this in for you," Spencer whispered as Candice Wong dramatically offered Astrid the most ominous looking apple ever created.

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to get me thrown out," I smirked back, offering a hand when Spencer slipped me a saran wrap package through the gaps in our seats.

"Think of it as payment for those bike lessons," he said, chuckling when my face broke out in a blush.

"You'll never stop bringing that up will you?" I groaned, tucking the sandwich onto the seat beside me. Dropping his forearms onto its back, Spencer leaned over and shook his head.

"Nope," he stated simply before returning to his seat in the row behind me.

"Spencer! Shut up!" Bella hissed from the wings before motioning for Candice and Astrid to continue. So far it's been an entire week of practice without Spencer or I having stepped onto the stage. With that in mind, I turned in my seat.

"Would you want to run lines sometime after school?" I asked, annoyed by how hopeful my tone sounded.

"That's actually a good idea. I won't lie, I've been neglecting the script the past couple weeks. So many pop-quizzes," Spencer sighed, pulling his phone from under his seat. "Give me your number, we'll coordinate a time to meet up."

"Sounds good," I agreed, taking his phone and punching my number in. As I handed it over I caught his background before he turned his phone off.

"Is that Gillian?" I asked and Spencer broke into a warm grin, nodding.

"Yeah, she'd kill me if she knew I had this photo as my background," he chuckled, unlocking his phone to show me.

"She's beautiful," I said, because she was. Long hair, dark skin with warm eyes that were squinted under a furrowed brow as she glared at the camera, frosting smeared across the side of her face.

"Took it on her birthday," he smiled, thumbing the screen before switching his phone off. "She's really anal about photos so I had to act fast. Her brother caught the moment thankfully."

"You're close with her brother?"

"Eh, as close as a boyfriend can be," he shrugged. "The guy did wrestling in high school so I try my hardest not to piss him off-"

"Oh my GOD! Spencer, shut up!" Bella called again, sending us death glares before pointing towards the side doors. "Both of you are kicked off set for the day, Jesus."

"What did I do?"

"Hey, don't dump me with all the blame," Spencer scoffed, nudging my shoulder before standing. "Sorry Bells."

"Never call me that again," she responded, nose curled, before she resumed barking orders at the girls on stage. I remained where I was until Spencer ducked over and stole my sandwich.

"Hey! I earned that," I whispered. The guy just nodded, making his way to the doors. Holding in a groan I followed him, though secretly relieved I didn't have to watch as Astrid stuttered through her lines.

"You haven't earned it yet, I'm yet to sit on an actual bike," Spencer replied when we were outside and safe to speak freely. The side street was swept clean, the walls free of graffiti and with trashcans neatly placed every few feet, most filled to the brim with styrofoam peanuts. Weird.

"Just give me the sandwich," I mumbled, taking it from his hand quickly when he offered it my way. Reclining on a free space on the wall I unwrapped the sandwich, arching a brow when Spencer pulled out a carton of cigarettes.

Prince Charmings (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now