The rain hit hard enough Saturday morning I was sure I'd wake up to a text from Tommo saying the race was called off.

Of course, since my friend was virtually indestructible, he took the weather as a challenge, outshone every other person in the race, and bought us lunch after it was over. Warming my still trembling fingers on the wall heater I laughed at Tommo's smug grin.

"Dude you gotta stop making that face, I can only politely ignore so much food falling out your mouth," I said through a chuckle, tossing a napkin his way. The rain had dipped enough that I was sure I could get away with walking the bike back home and not riding it. The seat was stiff, enough of a pain in the ass that it wasn't worth getting places faster if I could avoid it.

Tommo balled up his dirty napkin and melted against his side of the booth, simmering in self-praise. "That was a good race."

"Very good," I offered off-handedly, thanking the waitress who passed by to fill our coffee cups. I cradled mine, slowly regaining feeling in my fingers. I had the sneaking suspicion that I was catching a cold, which didn't bode well since Han had me shifted to volunteer at the library the following week.

"I don't know why I was so worried," Tommo added, strumming his finger against the table.

"That's what we've all been telling you," I chided him, reaching over to steal one of his remaining fries. They were soggy from having sat out so long but I relished the carbs, trying to decipher why I thought the soup was a good option. "You've got nothing to worry about. Scouts love you. The entire school loves you. Face it Tommo, you're kind of the shit."

"I am, aren't I?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes, slipping out of the booth.

"And now you're just cocky. C'mon now before your head gets too big to fit through the front doors." I said, motioning for him to get up. Waving me off Tommo threw down a few bills for the tip, walking to the doors. Leaned against the telephone pole outside the diner Tommo watched as I attempted to unlock my bike.

"Didn't peg you as a matte black kind of guy," he mused, gesturing at the bane of my existence.

"What did you think? Neon stripes? Puppy stickers and purple streamers?" I asked, yanking on the lock when it refused to accept my combination.

"Somewhere in the middle," he smirked before pushing me away, taking the lock in hand. "Combination?"

"It's a secret," I teased, grinning coyly while Tommo matched me with an unimpressed look. "Thirteen-Seventy-Seven. Dad set it."

Entering the digits Tommo easily pulled the lock free, rolling my bike towards me.

"Fuck off with that grin," I grumbled, kicking his shin as he laughed.

"Tender touch," he grinned, wiggling his fingers and I batted his hands away.

"You do that again and my responses will not be tender," I warned, huffing as Tommo crushed the helmet onto my head.

"I'll see you Monday," He chirped, hands tucked into the pockets of his joggers as he started down the street.

"We're going the same way dumbass, wait up!" I huffed, power walking to his side.

"I'm thinking of taking the scenic route, smell the roses and shit. You keen?" He asked, checking the time on his phone before glancing at me.

Shrugging I let him guide the way. "Why not? If we get caught in the rain though, you're paying my bus fare."

Tommo smiled and nodded. "Whatever man."

We barely made it two blocks before both our phones pinged. Pulling mine loose from sweatshirt pocket I raised a brow at the status update staring me down.

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