Chapter 23 - Strange Tunnels and Turrets

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As Legolas and the men navigated the dark dark tunnels beneath Dol Guldur the Orcs were not the only creatures they were in danger of bumping into.

A strange troll like being jumped out in front of their path, a dark thin human looking thing with luminous red eyes and teeth as sharp as razors. Legolas quickly stuck his dagger through its chest and it sunk to the ground

'what on middle earth was that?' shouted Neymar

'A 'Mewlip' Legolas replied

'I thought they were just a myth?' Aragon spoke

'Are they dangerous?' Asked neymar

'Yes' Legolas replied as they continued through the tunnels

More Mewlips attacked them from the deep crevasses inside the tunnels as they passed though, one sunk it's teeth into Neymar's arm before Aragon quickly cut off its head with his sword.

Niall got bitten on his leg as he kicked another to the ground before stabbing it though the eye.

'Why did you not warn us about these demons' Neymar snapped at Legolas

'Would you have stopped outside if I had?' Legolas retorted, the man didn't answer

They continued through the dark tunnels, killing Mewlips as they went until they reached a large grate beneath the dungeons. Legolas peered up through the bars and could see a couple of orcs loitering in the passageway, he pulled out two arrows and knocked them on his bow hitting each one directly in the head

'Nice shot' Niall whispered impressed at the elf's precise aim

They climbed up through the grate and into the corridor above, they were now in the dungeons of Dol Guldor, a retched place that smelt of dead orcs and other unspeakable things

'She was here' Legolas sensed, as the thought of her being in such a place made his stomach churn.

'Check the cells' Aragon said as the other men began kicking open the doors. She was nowhere to be seen and as they moved forward the leather faced Orc appeared, he swung his sword at Legolas who ducked, and moved passed him quickly

'Go' Aragorn shouted to him 'I will take this one' and Legolas continued towards the stairs that lead up to into the main fortress.

The Orc swung at Aragorn and he blocked his blade with his sword, they battled, their two swords creating sparks as the metal interacted, the Orc was strong but he was no match for the Rangers quickness and before long he was slain to the ground and stabbed in the chest. Aragorn had to step on top of him in order to tug his blade back out

'This way' he said to the two brothers who had been fighting off smaller orcs from behind, they made their way up the stairs but Legolas was way ahead of them by now, with each step he took, another Orc appeared and he skillfully whipped his two daggers through the air killing anything in his path.

'We are under attack' a sniveling Orc said to Khamûl as he burst into the room where Nicassius was being held

'Kill that damn elf!' He screamed back at the creature as he dragged Nicassius off the bed and into the hallway

'Where are you taking me' she shouted

'To the tower, I will take you now before it is too late' he growled as he began dragging her up some narrow steps towards the roof of the fortress. They reached a room at the top of the highest turret, the arched windows were unsheilded from the elements as the wind whistled through. Khamul threw her inside and bolted the door behind them, it was a huge heavy door and he slammed down a thick piece of wood into the metal slots each side

"Let's see your elf try and break that down' he said as he edged towards her, his dagger in one hand and a menacing look on his face.

'Stay away from me' she ran towards one of the open arches of the tower and climbed up swinging her feet over the edge.

'Are you going to jump?' He cackled 'it's a long way down Nicassius, that could prove very painful'

'Not if I am dead it won't' she replied, the wind stung her already tear filled eyes making her vision blurry.

'I won't hurt you' he said, his dulcet tone whispering softly along the breeze, she looked down, it was a long long way, she looked back at him, he was holding a hand out to her begging her to come to him, his expression kind again, she moved closer to the edge

'Please' he begged 'I will let you go, if that's what it takes then I will open this door and let you walk free' he held his hand out slowly moving toward her. She knew he was lying.

Legolas reached the top of the tower, the door was bolted shut, there was no way he was getting through it. He had to find another way in. He made his way back down to an opening in the bricks, he edged his body out and looked up towards the tower surveying the building for another entrance.

'Nicassius' khamul continued 'only you can save me from this evil I have become, please you are my last hope'

'I cannot save you' she cried, as she stood up, almost losing her footing, the wind whipping her long hair across her face 'nobody can'

'No! Please come back inside' he cried in desperation

'No!' She screamed back at him 'it is a trick, you already stabbed me! Twice!' I would rather die first'

'Its that damn Elf's fault' he spat back at her, his tone changing once again to a deep rasp 'I will make him suffer, but I will let the orcs enjoy torturing him first before I give him a slow....painful....death!'

'And your brothers, they will feel my wrath too, Nicassius, they will all suffer because of you! Even after you are dead, I will hunt them down and I will kill everything that is dear to you!' The tears began to flood down her cheeks, as the words pierced her heart like a knife, there was no way out for her, even if she jumped the others would still suffer. She had no choice, she carefully stepped back inside, no sooner had her feet touched the floor when he grabbed her pulling her into his clutches and raising the knife to her throat

'Good girl' he whispered 'now it is time for us to come together as one'

She went limp in his arms, sobbing uncontrollably, unable to believe she could no longer stop what he was about to do

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