Chapter 8 - The Fever

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As night fell they stopped to set up camp. Aragorn looked weary from lack of sleep but the elf still looked as fresh as he did this morning.

"I will take first watch" Legolas said as the ranger got out his bed roll.

"Thank you my friend" Aragorn said gratefully. He fell asleep swiftly.

Nicassius settled herself beneath a tree as Legolas scanned the surroundings, the woods were dark and the trees were thick and twisted with sharp branches, he did not build a fire and explained that it would make it too easy for the orcs to find them. He took a blanket from the back of his horse and went over to where she sat. He knelt down on one knee and inquired about her wounds again, trying not to be over zealous about his concern for her injuries, but she assured him she was fine so he wrapped the blanket around her shoulders.

"You must try to sleep" he said firmly "it is safe, I will be watching you" he said and returned to the edge of the camp, she lay down and watched him, trying to read his body language, until sleep pulled her into darkness.

After a few hours Aragorn woke, Legolas was still stood at the edge of the trees watching out into the darkness. Nicassius was asleep beneath a tree.

"Get some rest Legolas" Aragorn said as he directed his eyes towards her, signaling for Legolas to go over there "she looks cold".

Legolas did not hear the teasing tone of his voice and went straight to her, worried. She was indeed cold so he wrapped the blanket tightly around her as he lay down beside her.

"I will wake you in a couple of hours" Aragorn whispered "we will leave before sunrise"

It was still dark when she felt a hand gently shaking her on the shoulder waking her from her slumber, she turned to face Legolas who was kneeling besides her.

"You look pale" he frowned as he pressed his hand against her face "you have a fever". His look turned into concern as he helped her too her feet, she wobbled and nearly lost her balance as he caught her and pulled her closer to him. She shivered in his arms as he turned to the ranger who had just mounted his horse.

"Aragorn, we must make haste" he said.

"what is is my friend?" Aragorn replied.

He paused listening intently through his super sensitive elf ears "Orcs. They have found us. We will be surrounded imminently, we are out numbered Aragorn!".

"We must go now" Aragorn said.

"No, Aragorn, these are no ordinary Orcs, they are bigger, more powerful and they have wargs, we cannot outrun them, she is too weak, I will not leave her" he paused, listening again carefully "they have come for her, they come to take her to Dol Goldur" he sensed as he drew one of his knives.

"I will not leave you, we will stand and fight!" Aragorn shouted.

"No! you must go or we will all die! You must go for help, now! Go Aragorn" Legolas slapped the back of his horse and he rode off reluctantly.

"I will come back for you with an army if that's what it takes" Aragorn shouted back.

They were surrounded almost immediately, orcs and wargs snarling and drooling, there were many of them, too many for one Elf alone. Legolas stood in front of Nicassius protectively as the Orc chieftain, a large fearful looking Orc with sharp teeth, mottled leathery skin and piercing eyes, stepped forward.

"Give us the witch elf and your death will be quick and painless" he growled

"You will die first" Legolas spat.

"So be it it" said the ugly creature as he raised his sword.

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