Chapter 13 - Thranduil

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"King Thranduil would like to see you" said a tall elf who was stood outside the door when she opened it.

"Oh. Right now?" She asked feeling a ripple of panic run through her.

"When you are ready, I will wait to escort you" he replied

"Give me a moment" she said closing the door. The king was the last person she wanted to see, she wasn't ready, but could she refuse? she took a moment to think, then rushed over to the mirror, her hair was almost dry and she picked up a brush from the table beneath her and began to comb it as it fell into soft waves, 'presentable enough' she thought pausing for a second to look at the brush, it was beautifully made with delicate carvings of flowers, the elves were so talented at woodwork. She composed herself, "best get it over with then". She opened the door and stepped outside, the elf began to walk and she followed him in silence.

"Welcome Nicassius" Thranduil said as she entered the great hall where he resided. He stepped up from the throne where he was seated and slowly glided down to her

"I trust you are feeling better?" His voice was slow and penetrating

"Yes, thank you" she replied anxiously.

"You have no need to be nervous.....unless you have something to be nervous about?" What kind of question is that? She thought as she quickly tried to find an answer but couldn't.

"Legolas tells me you are from Rohan?" He continued, where was this leading?

"Yes my lord" she knew what he was thinking but he didn't say it out loud.

"I would like to know" he paused "the woman you say you met in the forest, I want you to tell me about her" his eyes diverted from her face and he looked behind her then moved his eyes upwards like he was directing his questions to the roof above

"But not now, we will save that conversation for another time" he moved until he was standing right next to her, she felt very intimidated by him and he knew it. She wasn't sure why he wanted to save that conversation, for what? A time when he was able to torture the answer out of her. He began to glide around her again, circling her like he did the first time she met him, it was most unnerving.

"My son" he continued "he has become fond of you?" His voice was lower now, more like a whisper as he moved past her ear. But was he asking her or telling her she wondered

"What are your intentions towards him?"'He quizzed as he bent his head down to look into her eyes. She didn't see that one coming, the king was direct if nothing else.

She looked downwards, her long lashes half covering her eyes from his intensive stare "My lord, I am indebted to your son for he saved my life, but that is all" she lied

"Father" she turned to see Legolas stood behind her, she wondered how long he had been listening "I think she has had enough questions for now" it then dawned on her why Thranduil had changed direction in his questioning, it was because Legolas had appeared.

"Very well" the king said dismissively. The elf who escorted her came in again. Legolas did not go with them, he stayed behind with the king as she was lead back to her room.

She threw herself on the bed when she returned, she felt exhausted, like all the energy had been sucked out of her. She wrapped herself in the soft blankets and closed her eyes.

"You know nothing about this woman" Thranduil said to Legolas "if she is not a sorceress then who is she?" Legolas didn't have an answer for him,

"I only know that she is not a danger to us Ada" he replied

"But what ever dark power that is hunting her may well be my son, do not let your feelings for the girl cloud your judgement. It is naive to think she brings no danger"

Legolas sensed that the king knew more than he was telling. Did he know what was hunting her? His father was right about one thing, he knew nothing about her, there had been an unspoken silence between them, she seemed to speak only when she had something important to say, and he wasn't one for idle chatter either, it was one thing they had in common.

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