Chapter 7 - The ride to Rivendell

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As the sun rose they came to a stream, Aragorn stopped and jumped off his horse.

"We can rest here for a while" he said as he lead his horse to water.

Legolas shook his traveling companion and she opened her eyes, she winced from the stiffness in her ribs as she pushed herself away from him "good morning" he said as he stopped his horse. Aragorn walked back and reached up to her to help her down.

"My lady..." He gestured for her to sit on a fallen tree that lay along the grass. Legolas preceded to lead his horse to the steam, she watched him as he softly whispered elvish words into the animals ear, then he began to gather sticks to make a fire, her gaze followed him, she could not take her eyes of him, he fascinated her and she felt strangely drawn to him

He caught her eye, he knew she was watching him and she turned away embarrassed "How long until we reach Rivendell?" she asked Aragorn.

"We should be there by night fall tomorrow my lady" he said as he began to make a fire.

She could hear the elf splashing about in the shallow water behind her, 'what on earth is he doing?' She thought to herself but dared not look incase he caught her staring again like some besotted teenager. Moments later he appeared in front of them holding some fish "breakfast" he exclaimed proudly.

"I see your fishing skills have improved" Aragorn teased.

"Better than your fire lighting skills" he shot back as he placed down the fish and watched Aragorn struggle with the sticks.

He sat down next to Nicassius "how do you feel?" he inquired

"Like I've been mistaken for a witch, thrown into prison and attacked by orcs" she replied. Aragorn snorted at her sarcasm as Legolas frowned and lifted her injured arm. "May I?" he said requesting to examine the cut, she nodded and he moved her long hair away from her shoulder as he untied the cloth dressing.

"It has stopped bleeding, but I fear it may become infected" he said looking concerned.

He then went to his saddle bag and took out a pouch, some water and some cloth, he returned and wet the cloth then he gently cleaned the dried blood from the wound as she winced in pain.

"I'm sorry did i hurt you?" he said apologetically.

"No" she lied as he opened the pouch and took out a pinch of what looked like herbs, then he pressed them firmly into the cut and she winced again this time it was more painful.

"Ouch" she cried,

"Hold still" he said firmly as he wrapped a clean piece of material around it and set her arm back down beside her. "Thank you" she said relieved it was over. Then he moved towards her face, and she felt her heart race as she became nervous at his closeness, he lifted his hand and touched the cut above her eye.

"Does it hurt?" She nodded. He opened has palm and pressed it onto her forehead.

"You feel slightly warm, but I do not think you have a fever" he looked at her, "are you hurt elsewhere?".

"My ribs" she replied. Regretting it straight away.

"May I?" He asked again not waiting for a reply as he placed one hand on her lower back and gently felt along her rib cage with his other hand, she tensed up nervously. "Relax, I will try not to hurt you" he said calmly, his touch was warm and soothing and she could feel his breath upon her face as he spoke and which prompted her to stop breathing "I think it is just bruising" he said reassuringly as he took his hand away, he stood up and went back to his horse, as she let out a deep breath.

The elf confused her, if he thought she was a witch why was he concerned for her? He then disappeared into the trees leaving her alone with Aragorn who was cooking the fish.

As they ate the breakfast that Aragorn had prepared, she had not realized how hungry she was until she took her first bite, it tasted wonderful and fresh and she cleared her plate.

Aragorn laughed as she handed it back to him "you were hungry my lady?"

"Yes, it was much nicer than the prison food" she said dryly and he laughed

She would never have survived out here alone she thought to herself, she felt vulnerable and weak, her body ached and she felt her fate lay completely in the hands if the ranger and the elf, which made her feel slightly pathetic.

"My lady, you have been though a great ordeal these past days, many would not have survived as well as you have, or done so as gracefully" he smiled and bowed his head, it was as though he had read her mind.

A short while after they had finished eating Legolas returned "We must continue" he said with a concerned look

"what is it?" Aragon asked,

"I sense we are being tracked". They quickly packed up the camp ready to push on with their journey. Legolas lifted her up onto his horse first before he swung himself behind her. They rode at a steady pace and he quizzed her about her capture. He asked how she came to be in the forest and she told him about the old lady. He did not say much when she spoke of being taken prisoner, he would not admit it but he did not like the thought of her being hurt and alone.

"I fear the old woman gave you her cloak to use you as a decoy" Legolas sighed realizing she may have come face to face with the real witch.

The banter between the two males also continued as they rode, Aragorn teased Legolas some more about witches and spells, she could tell they were great friends and enjoyed listening to them, Legolas tried to be serious and tried not to bite back at his taunts, but he was quick witted and came back with some sharp answers to Aragorn mocking him, which she found amusing.

They rode for most of the day with only short breaks in between. She grew tired easily, she guested it was because she was not at full strength because of her injuries. "Rest" Legolas said as he pulled her back into his chest, she did as she was told leaning her head into his shoulder and he breathed in the sweet smell of her dark hair, she smelt like lavender and citrus and he wrapped his arm around her and kept it there as he passed both reins to his other hand. She felt safe with him although she would never admit it and he felt protective of her.

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