MY WOMAN (Part - 25)

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Note - underlined words are in priya's mother tongue


Anil came and sat beside Priya and started consoling her..... He started telling about their childhood days and how mischievous his brother(Anand) was..... Priya sightly smiled hearing how they got punished by their father(priya's grand father) for sneaking out from the house....
Aditya pretended to do some work but heard every thing,  he didn't miss the slight smile on priya's face and that instantly lightened his heart a little.....

Anil - u know priya, annaya(anand) used to take us out whenever we wanted to go and when ur grand father gets to know about this,  he used to take all the blame on him and nannagaru (pappaji/father) used to beat him a lot,  he used to bear the punishment but never uttered a single word about me or others..... He is a great brother.... When ur grand father died,  except me and annaya,  all other children are very young,  he took all the responsibility on his shoulders.... He spent sleepless nights for the betterment of our family...... I can't see him like this....

Saying this anil got teary eyed remembering his moments with his elder brother....... "If u love ur brother so much,  then y the hell did u treat him in that way and sent him out of the house ?? " Aditya badly wanted to ask this.... But he didn't as that would make priya angry than she already is.....

Priya - don't worry babai(uncle/chachu/father's younger brother) nanna will be fine..... He has to be fine.....

Anil nods and ruffles her hair lovingly.....

Anil(to aditya) - thank you Mr. Deewan...  For doing this much for my brother....

Aditya - u don't have to thank me Mr. Sharma.... It's my responsibility to take care of my family..... And anand uncle is like a father figure to me...... I can't let anything happen to him.....

Anil nods and talks about anand's further treatment and Aditya answered in monosyllables as he hated talking so much but since he met priya,  all he does is talking though it's only with her

They reached rajiv Gandhi international airport in less than an hour, Aditya asked his assistant to check on the traffic and if it's needed he asked them to get the traffic blocked as anand's condition is deteriorating and they have to reach the hospital sooner..... Luckily traffic is not much and they reached the hospital sooner than expected..... All the top doctors from the required departments tended to anand.... He was taken to ICU and is being checked.....
Priya sat lifeless..... Aditya decided to go to her but he saw siddharth and anupama entering with a man whom he assumed to be anupama's fiance.....
As soon as Priya saw her cousins,  she busted out into tears...
Anupama and siddharth hugged her and consoled her...... After she is fine,  siddharth went to his father and inquired about anand's condition.... Siddharth got to know what all happened and about aditya's help...... He is more than happy for Priya that she got Aditya..... And also afraid as she had to deal with sakshi... For now he hoped anand to be fine.....
Aditya felt very bad seeing Priya seeking comfort from others when he is there....  He knew that he had hurt her but he thought he didn't deserve that treatment from her..... He is thinking that Priya is angry with him for the words he has spoken,  he doesn't know that he is partially responsible for anand's condition and that is y Priya is so mad at him.....

Siddharth asked Priya to have something but she refused saying she isn't hungry....

Just then she saw some hustle bustle in anand's ward..... And from the see through door,  she can see the doctors giving shocks to her father.... She fell down on the floor and started crying hysterically....
Siddharth and anupama tried to control her but they couldn't.... 
All her uncles went to the cafeteria to have some coffee.....
Aditya rushed to Priya to hold her but she pushed him and stood up angrily..... Tears didn't stop even for a second from her eyes and this had Aditya concerned..... He didn't even care that she pushed him.... All he wanted now is to take her into his arms and assure her that nothing will happen to her father..... He tried to go near her but she started speaking..... Though she is so angry with him,  her tone is anything but rude.....

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