MY WOMAN (Part - 20)

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Siddharth dropped priya and went back to his place.....
Pooja woke up when she heard priya's footsteps....  She is a light sleeper...
Pooja asked about her getting late and priya has to tell everything to Pooja.... 
She also told Pooja about aditya and confronted her..... Pooja, as promised to anand tried not to talk against this marriage but priya understood that her bestie is not happy with this..... So she just cut it off and both dozed off hugging each other..... That hug gave comfort to both of them and Pooja got a feeling that their bond is never gonna fade come what may......
The next day when priya entered the office,  she saw her colleagues talking among them and the floor is very noisy.... It's so unlike them.... Usually her workplace is very calm and they won't talk too much until it's about work.... So she wondered what's happening.... She went to her place and asked her colleague about the chaos....
She got a news which shocked her.....
Their manager is getting transferred to their mumbai branch...... This is really shocking to everyone because everyone knows that akshay is there to work permanently in their Hyderabad location because the project he is handling is completely dependent on him and no one can manage it better than him..... He also has his family in Hyderabad and are settled there..... He is surely not happy with the decisions but as it came from the higher management,  he couldn't do anything..... He tried to talk with the management but they are reluctant to agree with him and to increase his anger,  they are not giving him any proper reason.... Priya suspected aditya behind this but he promised her that he won't sue him(akshay)
She became worried for akshay as he had to now move to mumbai which is difficult for him and his family.....
Akshay called for a meeting to talk with his teammates before he leaves as it's his last day there.....they asked him to shift there in one week announcing this is his last day in Hyderabad branch.....
Everyone attended the meeting.... All got emotional with his words.... Though he was very strict, everyone knew he is very efficient at work and did support them when they needed him.....
Akshay - unfortunately for me or should I say Fortunately for u all(laughs) this is my last day here, I don't know what really went wrong but yeah I am sorry if I had hurt anyone of u.....I hope u understand it's purely professional, I don't have any grudge against anyone of u.....u r all very efficient and I am very lucky to get u all as my teammates.... I never said that to u before and I'm sorry about that..... (To pranav, one of the teammate) hey pranav i always taunted u about ur eating habits and u feeling sleepy in the work hours....  But to be Frank,  u r very good at ur job and even in ur drowsy state,  u always did ur job with perfection, keep doing that.... But still please stop eating too much....
(Everyone laughs)....... (Akshay says some or the other thing about everyone,  it goes on for a while) and priya....u are one of the best person I have ever seen..... Not only at work but outside of it too, after what u have done for arun, respect towards u increased,  no one would do that for a friend let alone a colleague.....
I am sorry about yesterday,  I guess it became too much,  but I reacted that way because I couldn't lose such an efficient person like u.....i appreciate the dedication u have showed yesterday, I verified the files u have worked on,  they are just perfect..... I think u cursed me too much and my transfer is the result of that.... I guess..... (Laughs)
Priya - no Akshay.... I didn't and u were right yesterday..... It's our pleasure working with u......
Arun - yes Akshay......she is right,  it's our pleasure working with u,  we miss u.....
Akshay had his farewell and everyone expressed their views on him.....
After a small cake cutting,  everyone went to their places and started working while Priya went to the pantry to talk to aditya....
She called aditya and aditya took the call immediately after seeing the caller id.....
It has her photograph and he absolutely loved that picture, and he would have felt very happy seeing her caller id if he didn't know the reason behind the call.....
Aditya - hello.....
Priya - Mr. Deewan,  it's me Priya.....
Aditya(smiled) - I think I know that Priya....
Priya(slapping her forehead) - um... Is it an appropriate time to talk?? I mean I can call u later if u r busy.....
Aditya - I am never busy for u Priya.... Except for a very few important meetings which hardly happen.....and u don't have to worry, because then I would have my phone switched coming to the main topic,  y have u called me?? Please Tell me, u r missing me and I will be ur slave for the rest of life.....
Priya blushed at his statement but waved it off....
Priya - um.... I have to ask u something....  I am sorry if I am wrong.... I am just asking u and not blaming u so please don't feel bad.... Please.....
Aditya is surprised at her voice.... She cares a lot about his feelings..... It matters to her a lot if he gets hurt or she is like this with everyone..... She can't take it when someone gets hurt that too because of her.... For now he didn't want to believe that and get disappointed.....
Aditya - oh.... So it's not about missing me.... Fine, still I am ready to be ur slave for the rest of the life.....
Priya(closing eyes tightly) - r u the one behind Akshay's transfer ??
Aditya thought not to tell her anything as she would feel guilty for it.....
Aditya - what ??
Priya - Akshay got relocated to mumbai,  r u the one behind it ??
Akshay - no priya.... I didn't do it but it's good that he is going..... I don't want that man near you,  the way he talked to u yesterday is not something which I could tolerate......
Priya - no... Mr. Deewan,  he is not at all wrong.... I told u yesterday.... It was all my fault..... And I am sorry,  I asked u this.... I am really sorry(sobs a little but tries to control them as she doesn't want him to know that she is crying) these days all I do is hurt people..... Anyways... By....
Aditya couldn't bear her getting hurt so he decided to tell her the truth....
Aditya(soothing voice) - u r crying again.....i wasn't hurt at all and Priya..... I am sorry I lied..... Yes I was the one behind this....
Priya (shocked) - what ?? U promised me that u wouldn't.....
Aditya - I promised u that I wouldn't sue him and I didn't.... He is still having his job but at a different place.....I did a background check on him, he throws insults like it's nothing and I don't want u at the receiving end......
Priya(sobs) - he has his family here, his daughter's school, his wife's boutique,  his house..... Everything is here..... Did u think how difficult is for him to shift there ??
Aditya(softly) - did u think how difficult it is for me to see u crying ??  Ur red swollen eyes had hurt me more than u can imagine...... What about that ??(sighs hearing her sobs) Priya I love u baby..... I love u a lot..... Please stop crying.....
Priya blushed hard hearing him calling her 'baby' his voice caused her shivers.... She felt very happy seeing his love, the fact that he continued expressing his love even after her continuous rejection made her heart swell in happiness..... Realizing how much her tears hurt him,  she wiped her tears immediately.....
Priya - I am not crying......and it's not Akshay's fault..... Don't punish him.....that too for a stupid girl like me who doesn't even know how to handle her work....
Aditya(softly)  - hey....never say that.... U r not stupid.....u r the best.... The dedication with which u completed the work ignoring ur 'first love' is commendable......
Priya (puzzled) - my first love ??  Pooja ??
Aditya(winks) - no..... Ur sleep.....
Priya(shooks her head) - no.... My first love is my nanna.... And then sleep.... And after that my amma, vadina advik,my amama(nani/grandma(mother's mom) and bamma(dadi/father's mother/grandma) my cousins and pooja.....
Aditya - wait..... Where is ur brother ??
Priya - who said I love him ??
Aditya(chuckles) - so u really meant it when u said that thing, what was that ?? Yeah 'brother for sale'
Priya - yes..... But who would buy him ?? That is y I am still stuck with him.....
Aditya (chuckles) - well.... What about me ?? What's my number ??
Priya doesn't realize what he said at first....
Priya - what number...... (Realizes and blushes) I think we completely got off track.... Um... Mr. Deewan.... Could u please.... Um u know..... I don't want Akshay suffering especially when he is not at fault.....
Aditya(sighs) - Priya..... U don't have to feel guilty.... It's just a relocation.....
Priya - it's difficult for him,  he is settled here..... U don't know how difficult is for a middle class family to relocate..... His wife has to join him leaving her boutique here,  and their daughter,  she has to stay in a hostel..... And....
Aditya - okay... Okay I understand.... But honestly I don't care.... All I care is u.....  And stop thinking too much about him and his problems.... He will manage...  when he joined,  he signed the bond that he is ready for relocating anytime...  And what would he do if this is not done by me and actually the company's decision.... Then he has to move there right ??
Priya - but,  this is not the company's decision,  the management knows that Akshay is the backbone to this project....
Aditya - Priya..... Don't be so stubborn...  This is best for u.... I mean u should be happy that u and your colleagues are getting rid of  him.... He is really strict and sometimes mean.... Well he may be very efficient but I know more about him than u do..... Many people left the company unable to bear his torture.....
Priya understood that Aditya is not going to back off,  and yes it's true that Akshay treated some employees very badly just because they didn't do the work perfectly....  He should be giving time to the employees to adjust to the work but he never did...... But she is determined to save him as she felt guilty and also bad for him....
Priya - okay.... I understand u don't want me to face his wrath.... So how about I resign..... (Gulping a lump)I'll search for another job......
Aditya is taken back by her decision, he knows that Priya loves this job and also needs it..... She is ready to resign it just to save him..... He didn't understand y she is so generous or according to him over thinking about others......all she gets is pain in return,  if she continues to stay like this,  people may take advantage of her innocence and goodness...... He is very worried about her......
On the other hand, it's very difficult for Priya to say that,  she loves and wants this job badly.... She can't even imagine losing it,  she expected Aditya to get convinced or she is ready to resign if he doesn't as she doesn't want Akshay and his family to suffer......
Aditya(lovingly) - Priya..... U can't be that good to people,  they would take advantage of u.....i know this job is important for u, y r u risking it ?? U know being good is very kind of u but if it becomes too much,  u will be the one who gets hurt.... And I don't want u to get hurt.....u r getting me right ??
Priya is hurt as Aditya too said the same thing which her mother and brother are saying her from many years now.... In fact everyone close to her keeps on saying that except for her father and siddharth.... She can't change,  she is like that and she will continue to be like that, she gets some sort of satisfaction doing something for others......she doesn't know why but she expected Aditya to understand but the words that came from his mouth crushed her heart..... She knew that he is telling that to protect her and save her from pain but still she is hurt.....
Aditya on not getting any response got puzzled if he spoke something wrong.....he by now understood that he had to deal with Priya so softly,  she is like a glass piece and he can't let her break.....
Aditya(softly) - Priya.... U there ??
Priya(gulping her cries) - yes.... Yes.... Mr. Deewan, I am here......I am sorry but I can't change.... I am like this.... I know It's tough to handle me or even bear me..... I...
Aditya(lovingly) - no.... No baby....u r getting it all wrong, I just don't want u to get's fine if u can't change..... I am there with u always..... I won't let anyone hurt u okay.....u r a wonderful person Priya.....u don't need to change at all, It's stupid of me to ask u that.... I am so sorry..... Please forgive me......
It's the second time he is calling her 'baby' in their conversation,  she had red cheeks by now..... It's the first time in her life time to have so many emotions in such a short time..... One time she will blush,  one time she will be sad,  one time she smiles and laughs at his words..... And one time she cries.....
Priya(stammers) - o.....Okay.... I think we're diverting from the topic,  Mr. Deewan......i want u to.... Um....
(She hesitates to ask him something and Aditya understood her discomfort)
Aditya - okay.... I u really want me to do that ??
Priya(holding a breath) - yes please.......
Aditya - ok fine..... But next time if this repeats,  I would sue him and u r not gonna stop me...... Deal ??
Priya - okay...... I promise it won't happen again..... I'll do my job perfectly......
(She said to remind him that it was actually her fault and not akshay's and Aditya got it instantly)
Aditya - ok.... So if u decided to blame urself then let me tell u a fact.... I was the one who made u like that so I should be the one to be blamed.....u r stressed because of me......
Priya (denying) - no not at all...... Y r u blaming urself.....u r not fault.... Don't do that.....
Aditya - then u too stop doing that....  Whatever u may do,  he is not supposed to talk to u like that......leave about that,  what r u doing ??  Had ur breakfast ??
Priya - no.... What about u ??
Aditya(worried) - I did.... But y didn't u ?? It's 11:30 AM....... Already.....
Priya - Mr. Deewan.... It's Thursday today......
Aditya(little bit angry) - and u r fasting....  Of course how can I forget it.....
Priya realizes his tone slightly changing to anger and disturbing.....
Priya - is there something wrong ??
Aditya - Priya.... I am worried..... U r in the office and u have to work continuously...... Is fasting that important that too on every Thursday......
Priya - Mr. Deewan..... It is important....I am following this from many years, I don't wanna change it..... And about me.... I am absolutely I told u before, I'll eat a lot the rest of the days,  so one day is fine I guess......
Aditya - u eat a lot ??  I guess I have seen u eating ur food priya and I don't say it 'alot', Anyways leave all this,  I don't want to waste ur energy....... So just go, finish ur work, go home or temple, break ur fast and eat something.....and yes don't stress urself in office today..... If u feel weak,  then just go home..... Okay ??
Priya (shocked at his concern but tries to explain him softly) - I am just fasting not sick,  and I'll be fine Mr. Deewan....don't worry.....
Aditya(sighs) - u sure??  U'll be fine ??
Priya - 100% sure.....okay bye...
(Priya thinks to end the call though she wanted to talk to him more, he must be busy and she is just wasting his time)
Aditya - bye.....
(Aditya doesn't want to end the call but he can't keep her talking and waste her energy as well as her time,  she will leave from there only after she finishes her work and it's much better if she leaves early as she has a fast to break)
Priya does her work and in the meanwhile they gets the news of akshay's stay in Hyderabad.....
Some gets disappointed and some feels okay with it but Priya feels happy as now her guilt is washed away......just then she receives a text message from Aditya....
"Hope u r happy now,  never cry Priya,  I can't tolerate ur tears, they make me insane, please take care of ur self, for me and ur family.....especially Ur nanna..... Break ur fast as soon as possible"
His text brings smile on her face, the care he shows explains his love for her,  she feels bad about not reciprocating his feelings...... But she feels that she is not the right choice for Aditya and feels whatever she is doing is for his betterment.....
She decided to reply his text just not be least that's what she tells herself....
"Thank you Mr. Deewan,  and I am fine,  please don't worry about me"
She replies to his text and gets back to her work.....
It's slight embarrassing for Akshay to work in the same place after bidding goodbyes to his team,  and the thing he didn't understand is how all this is happening, till then he understood that there is someone who is controlling all this because his transfer itself is a big shock and definitely not the management's decision alone and again the orders for him to stay are more surprising..... Y would the management do something like this that too just in a span of few hours is the main question.......
Everyone got back to work, priya finished her work a little bit early,  went home, took a bath and started to temple....
All the time aditya had his security follow priya..... He doesn't know y but he is afraid of her falling sick..... He instructed his men to maintain a reasonable distance and not to cause her or the crowd any doubt about them and he also had a woman security personnel with them if at all she feels unwell and needs support.....
He doesn't want any men to touch her as priya would feel uncomfortable, that's what he reasoned himself but he too know that the actual reason is his possessiveness.......

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