MY WOMAN (Part - 12)

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Aditya informed his father to stay at home as he wants to discuss something very important.... So ritesh didn't go to his studio where as sakshi and raghu deewan already left to office.....

@Ambar residency

Aditya entered inside and directly went to the 14th floor to his father's studio at home.... He knew that his father can't stay away from his work for much time, though he won't go to his studio, he would be working in the one present at home......He entered the studio and saw his dad working.... Aditya cleared his throat to gain ritesh's attention.....
Ritesh is a little bit surprised to see aditya in his studio, last time he came there was almost two years back that too to talk about samrat's post graduation, sakshi wants to send him to States but samrat wanted to study in India, so aditya came there to talk to his father to ask him to convince sakshi..... Normally aditya won't have that much time to have a real conversation with ritesh except for general talks at the breakfast and dinner..... Aditya knew that it would be more easy to convince his father when he is at the studio as he would be more calm and peaceful than he already is....
Aditya(smiles) - Hi dad..... Can i come in??
Ritesh - of course adi.... Don't be so formal......
Aditya (frowns) - dad.... It's Aditya....
Ritesh(smiles) - ok fine.... Aditya..... Sit...
Aditya takes a seat and ritesh joins in a couple of minutes after wrapping up the things.....
Ritesh - what's so important that u came directly to my studio almost after two years huh?? What do u want ??
Aditya (smiles sheepishly) - dad.... It's nothing like that.... Ummm.... I just wanted to talk to u.....
Ritesh(smirks) - about??
Aditya - dad..... Um.... U know.... I....

Ritesh understood that this time aditya wanted something for himself that too for the first time in his life..... Aditya never fumbled with his words before....when he came to talk about his brother or his sister, Sometimes ritesh wonders whether his son came to request him or order him.... He still remembered Aditya's words last time he came there....
"Samrat wants to study in india, and I also feel the same as IIM's here are not any less.... So talk to mom about it"
Those are the exact words he spoke with a straight face....along with some logics and pros in studying there....ritesh then understood y aditya got so successful in business even more than sakshi and his father.... He knows very well when to talk, who to talk and what to talk..... Aditya's thinks in a way no one knows even exists and this is the reason for he is known as the best decision maker, even sakshi Or raghu deewan takes a decision only after getting Aditya's opinion......

Ritesh(smiles) - what do u want son?? U know, u can ask me anything.....
Aditya imagined priya's face and immediately a broad smile formed on his lips..... Ritesh is surprised to see that.... Lately the only expressions he saw on aditya's face are the continuous frown that adorned his forehead, or the anger that sat on his nose..... But the smile aditya is having on his face now is not a normal one, it's a sign of the peace that he is having in his heart..... A feeling of having someone for ourselves, a feeling of being in love...... A slight blush.....
Ritesh(serious) - Aditya do u love someone ??
Aditya(shocked) - dad....... What.... What.... R u saying?? How....
Ritesh(seriously) - stop fumbling adi..... U never did that before....
Aditya didn't bothered to correct him as much more important discussion is going on there.....
Aditya(sighing) - yes dad.... I love priya.... I want to marry her.... I want her beside me all my life.....
Ritesh is shocked is an understatement....
It's like a pack of ice is thrown on his face.....
Aditya(nervous) - dad.... Say something....
Ritesh(controlling his anger and being calm) - have u gone nuts Aditya..... U wanted to marry priya??
Aditya is shocked as his dad never shouts....
Aditya(shocked) - dad... What's wrong in that?? I love her dad.....
Ritesh(calming a bit) - u can't love her adi..... She is not of our status....ur mom, dadaji,dadi, no one will agree, Forget her..... It's just an infatuation.....
Aditya(standing up) - okay dad... I'll forget her.... Only if u forget mom and divorce her.....
Ritesh (bewildered) - do u even know what u r saying..... I love ur mom and that's not it.... She is my wife....
Aditya(shouts) - then priya is my wife too.....(calming a bit) It's just that u got married physically and I married her in my heart..... Dad... It's not just infatuation, it's love dad.... The same love u have for mom.... In fact more than that may be...... From the day I have seen her, I have this peace and something calm in my heart, I started smiling often, whenever I look at her face, I feel content, I feel I could give anything for her smile, u know when I saw tears in her eyes that too because of me.... I cursed myself and blamed myself which I never did before..... I wanted to hurt myself so badly for the pain I gave her...... Dad if u don't want to accept it then don't but please don't insult my love by calling it as infatuation.....

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