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Ugh, new school. I take a deep breath and take a step forward. How cliche.

I was lost in thought as I was walking. I had recently moved here and it's already been hell. I can tell my experience here is not gonna be great! I enter the main door and look around at the different stereotypes. Jocks, preps, popular girls, art kids, stoners, nerds, geeks, try-hards and ya know, that shit.

I get to the office and collect my information. I walk out the room and I spot a boy. He looks pretty tough. In an edgy way. Tattoos, leather jacket and sunglasses sitting neatly upon his head. He had a waffle in his hand. Why? I have no idea. Hotel? Trivago.

He looked up at me and caught me staring. He lifted the waffle up to me and raised an eyebrow. I looked down at the waffle and then back up to him. "I'm good thanks." I say smirking slightly.

"Your loss" he says smiling back at me, "what you in for?" He said in a joking manner as if we were in a prison.

"Killed a man." I stared him in the eyes directly tryna freak him out. Luckily, he took kindly to my humour and chuckled a bit. I smile, "No haha, uh I'm new. Just getting my stuff"

"Ah I see.. I'm Frank, Frank Iero." He put a hand out for a handshake.

"haha like James James bond?" I giggle and shake his hand. "I'm Y/n...(pause)... l/n"

"Well, Y/n if you need anything don't hesitate to find me." He smiles leaning back into his seat.

"Will do, waffle" I wink introducing his new nickname, I do finger guns and stare at the random waffle in his hand.

He chuckled again. "See ya round."

"See ya" I exit the room and look at my time table. I instantly retrace my steps walking backwards into the room. "I have no idea where any of these places are. Could you give me a hand? If your not busy." I say looking at Frank.

"Sure thing babes" he walks towards me peering into the office and chucking his waffle at the window. Ah. I see why he's waiting to go in. He lazily slings an arm over my shoulder and leads us out the room. He looks over my shoulder at my time table. "Ayy gym first with me and the gang! Okay, I'll walk you to the girls changing room, you should have a key, get your uniform and change. I'll meet you on the steps."

"Thanks. So you from around here?" I say trying to get to know more about him.

"I am from New Jersey." He says very straight and proper. "Where are you from? You sound British."

"Ah attentive I see." I nod my head like a wise old man. "I am indeed from England. Please don't make fun of me" I laugh a little and he joins me.

"Well I can't make any promises! I might not be able to stop myself- control myself!" He bursts into laughter and I loose myself with him.

"Ya know you're pretty cool." I say shaking my head and clearing my eyes.

"Oh, honey I know." He looks down and me and smirks. "I'm a riot, I'll have to organise a party for you next week to.. to introduce you."

"Oh my darling! A welcome party! How considerate of you." I smile and lean into him more.

"Okay, remember the steps and please don't fall over." He hold onto my shoulders and whispers into my ear, we're still walking.

I nod not having any idea what that means but I guess I'll find out when I get there. "Thanks" I say smiling, but confused, my heart shakes as I'm suddenly pushed through a large doorway. I turn and look at Frankie who is putting his hand to his lips and blowing kisses.

He walked away to the side, "I love you my darling! See you at the stairs!" He exclaimed with a posh British accent. I laughed a bit, calming down, understanding what just happened.

There were a few girls scattered about changing I read the number on my key and went to my locker. I unlocked it and pulled out my uniform. Jesus Christ. I put it on and looked it up and down in the mirror, almost with disgust. What pedo designed this!? It was a low cut white polo shirt tucked into a black scort with a red and white stripe; it basically only just covered my ass. I put on white socks and black trainers. Absolute bullshit!

I walk outside with a pout on my face. I look around for 'the stairs' Fronk mentioned. I felt a body crash into mine and I jumped.

"Y/NNN" I hear a familiar voice shout in my ear.

"WAFFLE BOI FOR FUCKS SAKE!" I yell and try calming my hammering heart down.

"Haha sorry haha sorry y/n!" He tried to stifle a laugh."Come on honey, let's get to the stairs." He said calming down as well.

"Right" I say a little sarcastically, still a bit annoyed.

We walked around a corner and started approaching a few dirty and forgotten steps. I pay close attention to the boys perched on the steps. One smoking, one looking through a book and the other staring off into space. They seem like my kinda crowd, these guys.

The guy looking through the book notices our arrival and looks up to greet us, "Hey Frank, that your girlfriend?"

I look up to see Frank turn a shade of red, he turns slightly away from me and I notice I'm still tucked under his arm. "No.. this is Y/n she's new here."

The boy looked over at me as well as the other two, "nice to meet you, I'm Mikey." The guy said with a gentle smile.

The one smoking was the next to speak. "I- I'm Ray"

The last kid looks at me with a sassy look. He raised and eyebrow at me, "nice uniform."

I look down embarrassed, staring at my legs. "Shut up Gerard" I hear from beside me. "She looks cute" a slight blush appears on his face and mine as well.

"Oo someone's got a cruusssshhh" Mikey suddenly speaks up.

Both of us not knowing what to say, Frank just led me to sit down. Frank looked round at everyone, "Well everyone.. get to know eachother!"

I totally fell in love with Frank that chapter! Was that just me?!!

My friend said to me that you don't fall in love with characters, you fall in love with ideas. That hit me hard!

Thanks for reading.

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