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"Did you think anymore about it?" Gerard appears out of nowhere beside me, giving me a warm grin.

I look down at my feet and sigh, "No, not really."

"Y/n! You're killing me here!" Gee exclaims, placing an arm around my shoulder, pulling me to walk with him. "I get it though, take all the time you need and hopefully that will be in the next month because that's when I'm buying it."

"Are you really?" I can't help but get excited. "My little boy all grown up."

I pinch his cheek and he pushes my hand away, holding onto it as he speaks, "I don't want to be funny here Y/n but I will need an answer soon. Don't get me wrong, you can crash with us whenever, but you can't keep telling me you don't know."

"I can get you a solid answer by the end of this week." I try to promise but something in me tells me this is not going to go to plan.

"You need to stop stressing about the smaller details. Think about the big picture, those little worries in your head are unlikely to come true." It's like he can read my mind.

I chuckle and look at my walking feet, "Any plans tonight?" I attempt to change the subject, I'm still weary about the topic he so strongly desires to discuss.

"Yeah, I'm going to harass my neighbor." He shakes my shoulder.

"God, poor girl. I bet she wishes she could move." I elbow him in the side.

"I'm sure she would, but I won't let her without a fight."

"Mm she'll put you in a permanent coma." I threaten looking up into his eyes- gorgeous eyes.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" The dark haired boy winks at me. "I'd like to see you try."

"Fucking bet!" I raise my fist up and he flinches away.

"Uh oh." Gee let's go of me and runs across the road to get as much distance between us as he can, only narrowly avoiding a few cars.

"You better stay on that side of the street, mother fucker." I flip my middle fingers up at him, "I'll knock you out."


"AHHHHHHHH GET OUT OF MY ROOM." My eyes widen at the unexpected company.



Gerard casually steps into the room and joins me sat on the bed, "What you up to?"

I roll my eyes and focus my attention back onto my laptop screen, "Watching porn-"

"Really?" I laugh watching him snatch the computer only to see Spotify open.

"You're nasty."

"You have a bad taste in music." He crosses his legs and scrolls through my playlist.

"That's a lie. Those are all the songs on the tape you gave me." (chapter 7 if you don't remember)

"You kept that?" His chin rests on his hand as he reads the title of every song. "I didn't think you would."

"Of course. I've kept everything." I shrug and lie down, placing my hands behind my head as a makeshift pillow. "You're very important to me Gerard- I mean- they're good songs, so why would I get rid of it. I like music."

"I make music."

"Genius. Show me right now."


"Right now! Go! Go! Go!" I watch in amusement as he looks around in a panic, standing up and hopping out the window- because that's normal. I try and calm my heart down. God I'm fucking stupid. This is going to hurt.

Not too long later, he magically appears in my room holding his own laptop. "It's only the start but I think it could really be something."


"Waffles! Come here right now you cretin." I yell at the poor boy, man's just tryna go to lunch.

"What's up, Bitch?" He replies nonchalantly, stopping to I can catch up."

"Not much, my darling. You?" I change the tone.

"You know me, living the wild life." He does an overdramatic gesture, making me laugh at his antics.

"So the wild life consists of staying home and playing videogames?"

"Ouch, exposed." He pretends to be offended.

"Have you seen Ray?" I look around a little.

"Yeah, he was late coming in. Why what's up?"

"Free therapy session- speak of the devil." I say, watching as Ray walks around from the corner. "I'll see you later, yeah? Have a good one." I pat Frank's shoulder and jog to the unknowing boy.

"Y/n. You okay?" His voice sings out like a concerned mother.

"I-" I hesitate feeling the guilt rise. "I'm fine, yeah. Don't worry about it. How are you doing?"

Over the last few month Ray and I have leaned on eachother for support when issues couldn't be mentioned in front of the other lads. It all started when we all went out drinking, well the other three went drinking while Ray and I were dragged along. He was the designated driver and I decided I was trying to quit - that lasted long.

BET y'all are fucking wondering what this gossip is.

Ray and I exchanged a small chat while heading towards the others, I side glance Gerard and watch as he laughs at something Frank had said. They all sat around an old picnic bench that we had stolen on a drunken night.

Speaking of which- "Y/n! It's been so long! When did I last see you?"

"I hear the same damn joke every day." I push his head and sit down on the seat next to him.

"Did you think anymore about the question?" Frank asks and I look to Gerard, who looks down to avoid eye contact.

I sigh, "I also get asked the same question every day."

"What was that?" I bring my attention back to Frank who looks genuinely confused, "It sounds like the topic upsets you, you can just tell us the truth."

"I'll get you your answer by Friday. I promise." I pat him on the shoulder. A pain in my heart as I watch a smile grow on his face, I try and avoid the look, turning to the sombre looking boy across from us. "Gerard are you okay?"

The usually loud boy sits quietly, eyes darting up to mine, "Uh- yeah. All good, thanks. Just hoping these next three days go quickly. I'm at the edge of my seat!" He exclaims with a hint of hesitance in his voice.

I'm hoping these next few days go slowly.

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