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"Fuck you, Chad. You fucking cunt face. You make my life a living hell and I'll never forgive you for what you did." I flip that dickhead off and leave, heading in the direction of my car.

"You know I wasn't the one who did that right?" He follows me out the door. "You're blowing the situation out of proportion again because you're unsatisfied in life-"

"You mean in bed, tiny dick man." I spit at his feet, swinging the car door open, stepping in and driving away before he can stop me.

I let out a deep sigh and a few curses. Thoughts swarmed my head making me feel cramped. I reach my hand over to the next seat and pick out a random tape to listen along to, in order to calm my head. The track starts playing. Blink 182. Fuck no. I skip the song and am instantly hit with a bad memory as my ears follow the tune. I press eject. I tried to forget about him. Whatever it took, whatever I had to do to get him out of my head I did it. It never worked. Why do I even keep the playlist he made me in the car.

"Fuck okay. Calm down, Y/n."

I put the radio on and listen to the song that played. It's a bop. I frown as I listen to the intro, it's strangely familiar. Unnervingly familiar. I pull into a random parking lot and sit.

Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say...

Jeez, already relatable.

...the photographs your boyfriend took, remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor....

Shit. Gerard.

I place my foot on the accelerator. Speeding off down the roads. I wasn't too far away from Jersey, I had spent the last year traveling around.

I really made a mistake.


I look around the familiar roads, they'd aged but we're still the same when push came to shove. I don't know where I'd even find him or if I ever would. I pulled up to our old houses. No bridge in sight. I looked into the window of the living room, seeing a figure moving about. The haircut was Mikey's.

I smile to myself. I guess some things never really change. I drive away, not wanting to be noticed or cause any drama, driving to mandips.

Gravel shifted under the wheels as I parked. What am I doing here? I'm not welcome here.

I angrily get out of the shitty ford and slam the door, locking it before running into the woods as fast as my legs could carry me. Trees roughed me up even more than I was to begin with, scratching my skin, knotting my hair.

I find myself in a homely area. The bittersweet feeling of nostalgia clawing at my heart unforgivingly. Shame dragged me to the floor, I lay my head on the grass and indulge the feelinsg of regret and sorrow.


"Have I finally gone mad?"

I voice woke me up from my lucid state.

"I'm seeing things."

I turn to the man and jump to my feet. He goes to say something else but stops himself. A few cautious steps were made before he stopped completely, reaching out and touching my shoulders. His grip was firm but become progressively softer as his hands traveled up to the sides of my face; one took a strand of hair and fiddling with it, the other merely held my face.

My heart rase increases and words get caught in my throat, "I'm so sorry.... I really let you down."

He doesn't say anything, I can see the inner ear playing behind his eyes. Only slightly his head shook from side to side, clearing any thoughts. My shoulders were pulled in and he embraced me with a long awaited hug. I wasted no time holding him back, as tight as I could, as close as I could. He would fly away if I didn't.

"Do you want to forget?" He whispered to me, each word holding endearment.

"I want things to go back.. back to how they were. I want to take back the things I said and replace them with what I wanted to say."

"...What do you want to say?" He sounded hesitant, as if he knew that when he asked he wouldn't be able to take it back and that the answer would hurt him.

"I've never wanted to be with anyone as much as I want to be with you. I know I messed up really bad." I push into him harder, "I don't care if I have to crawl over hot rocks after you. I'll do it for the rest of my life if I have to. I just need you to be near you again. I don't need your forgiveness, I don't expect you to forgive me but please don't send me away."

"I hate you, you know? Every word you say." Even with the words he was saying he still held onto me with as much force as I was to him.

"I know."

"I really hate you. The thought of you filled me with rage and I wanted nothing more than to see your bones break under my foot."

"I understand."

"...But," he let out a breath, calming his nerves, "You're not as mean and evil as I remember you to be. When I look at you now I'm only reminded that no matter how much I hate you, I'll still love you. You piss me off but I don't think I'll ever laugh as much as I laugh with you... I really don't know where I'm going with this."

I let out a little chuckle at his latter confession, "I don't either."

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I feel a pinch on my skin. "You're mean, I change my mind."

"No! Gee! I'm sorry!" I bend and twist in his grip, forcefully pulling him to the ground with me.



"Please don't leave again." He nuzzles his head into my neck.

"I promise I will never leave your side. Even if you're screaming at me to leave you alone."

"Oh god."

"Yeah you're really stuck with me now."

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