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I edited this chapter so you kids can get more answers. It was hilarious and pretty shitty of me to leave it on a cliff hanger and then go through a weird walking dead and MCYT phase, like what was I thinking? I'm hoping that continuing with this story will help sort my mental health out, cuz that's what it was originally made for. Anyway, It'll leave you to it. Thanks for actually reading this, it means a lot; it makes my day seeing the funny little comments people make (especially UniIsOkayNow )

School. A life time of regret. On top of that, I'm an hour late. Its weird seeing everything so empty, no one around, all in lessons. I get to the front desk. after taking my time walking in.

"Hey Darling." I wink to the receptionist who gives me a dirty look. I sit down and look around the room. Waiting to be escorted to my class - to make sure I went. The few days of school I've been here I haven't been to lessons.


I turn to the voice, "My favourite Way brother. How I've missed you."

"I saw you this morning? You wouldn't get our of bed. Come on let's go. We've got math." He begins walking, not waiting to see if I'm following.

"Mikey! Hold up!" I say picking my bag up off the floor and jogging to catch up with him.

"Am I really your favourite Way brother?" He asks and we keep walking on.

"I have no favourites, but I do love you both in different ways." I wink at him and he grimaces at me before chuckling. "Jesus wow okay, am I that repulsive?"

"Yeah, definitely, 100%"

I shoot him a look of horror.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! You know I'm kidding."

"You always hurt my feelings like this." I shake my head trying not to smile.

"Shhh it's okay." He laughs and puts his hand on my shoulder, directing me into the class and taking me to my seat.

"Now that we're all here." the dickhead of a teacher shoots a glare my way, "We can continue."


"BITCH, OVER HERE." A familiar voice yells as soon as I exit the building.

"SHUT UP, GERARD." I call back, walking over to where all the boys were sat, under the bleachers.

"I have a gift for you!" He ignores me request.

I reach them all and sit down. "A gift?"

"Mmhm" Gerard hums with a mischievous grin.

"What did you do?" I look to see him start to pull something out of his pocket... Pink lace.

"Fuck you." I jump up faster than I've possibly ever moved in my entire life.

Gerard laughs and the other boys look confused. Thank god, they must have not seen.

"What?" Ray looks from the two of us as we fight.

"Nothing!" I reply before glaring at Gerard. "Give it back."

His eyes light up a little, "No. This is for stealing all my clothes. How does it feel to have a taste of your own medicine."

"You - are - such - a - dick - head -" I hit him on the head between every word I say, "give - them - back -"

"NEVER!" he practically screams in my ear and runs away.-

"Hate and death, Gerard, are the only words I can think of right now." I call after him. Not giving him anything by not chasing him.

"Seriously, what did he do?" Ray asks again.

"That bitch stole my underwear." I sit down next to him and pull a sour face, laughing after.

"Woah shit really" I look over to Frank, he winks at me and runs after Gee.

I smile to myself, feeling good that Frank can joke like that with me again.


"Can I walk you home?" Gerard appears next to me out of nowhere as I walk out the  school gates.

"No, you don't live anywhere near me, I don't want you to go out of your way." I walk into his side, pushing him a little.

"Its really stressful walking you home actually." He says sarcastically, making me roll my eyes.

"It must be awful! I couldn't imagine walking an extra 10 steps to get from my house to yours." I sass back and elbow him.

"Can you believe it's nearly the end of school? We'll be left to our own devices after this." Gerard stares into space.

"You know it's going to be okay, and hey you say soon but it's not for another new months." I was going to say something else but Gerard cut me off.

"The boys are coming round mine tonight, you need to come too." he sounds strangely serious.


"its something important. I need you to be serious."

"I will, yeah. Don't worry." I'm not sure what to do to reassure him so I take his hand and squeeze it. "Should I be worried?"

He stares down at my hand before looking back up to me, "No, don't worry; we all need to talk about something though."


"I think... I think we should talk about what will happen when school is over." Gerard says.

We're all sat on the bed, looking up at him as he paces nervously; we looked like students staring at a stressed teacher. None of us say anything, we just let him get his words out.

"We should live together. All of us. Get jobs and all chip in for rent. I was talking with Y/n the other day and realized I don't think I can live my life without seeing you all every day." I make eye contact with Gerard as he says that, he says it as a joke but his demeanor becomes very serious. "Y/n we haven't known you too long but we need you to be in on this."

The happiness I had before suddenly ceased. He knows about the stash of cash I have under my bed. He keeps talking and I look to the floor, ignoring the rest of his speech. I wait until he's finished and bite my lip, taking out my phone.

"I'm sorry to cut this short, but My parents are coming home today, I just got a text. I should head home before they get here. Text me the details later, I'm so sorry." I exit the room, taking the front door to leave. Fuck, what am I doing? That's not what he's thinking. I run into my house, trying to stay out of my own head and flop onto the sofa.

My parents aren't on their way. I can't even go into my room for any kind of comfort so I have to stay downstairs. I feel a little used and as if one day they'll tell me to leave because they don't need me anymore.

Y/n stop! That's not what they're doing.

Okay, but look at all the time you've spent with them.. we're they actually enjoying themselves or are they humouring you?

Shut up.

Think about it.

I crash the nearest pillow over my face and scream. A gut-wrenching, bloody murder scream, from the pits of my soul. Step back Y/n come on. Just talk to Gerard and clear shit up, he wouldn't lie to you.

Yes he would.

Oh Geesus take me away what's happening. My mind flicks to Frank- no bad idea.... But he was always there for me and would make me smile. I wonder if he still has those photographs..? Fucking creepy bitch. It was sweet though, it just proves that he thought that one day him and I would look back on those images.

It's a bad idea but... it'll help.

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